Unstuckables Rewatchables (a movie game)

Yep. When I first saw this movie, I thought she was going to be the biggest star in the world. I was disappointed when she put out stuff like Anti trust and then sort of faded away. I’m surprised to see from her filmography that she has had steady work, just nothing as big as Mallrats.

I might recommend their Bridge of Spies episode. They fucking love it. I was caught off-guard by just how effusive their praise was.

I respect their willingness to be non-consensus and unpredictable. They also claim that Iron Man 3 is the best thing in the MCU. I don’t think they’ve done an episode on it though.

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Do you remember anything they said about why it’s good? I enjoyed it but felt very underwhelmed. At least the suit was still metal parts instead of nanotech.

I think they really appreciated it because of the way it had Tony working through his shit as an alcoholic etc.

I’ve always considered it one of the weaker movies of the whole franchise.

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New Rewatchables dropping tonight is The Naked Gun. A very worthy choice; surprised they hadn’t gotten to this one yet.

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Meh. Kyle Brandt is just a second caveman in the model of Simmons. Doing a two-caveman episode instead of a good panel is never going to be as good.

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Except in previous episodes Brandt makes almost zero mistakes while Simmons just flails around and misses all the time. I’m not a big fan of Simmons

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I mean Simmons is an idiot, there’s a reason I’m calling him a caveman, but they’ve done a number of episodes where he’s not a panelist and they tend to be quite a bit less entertaining. Just about any criticism you throw at him is going to be valid, but he’s got some sort of X factor that just makes him work as a podcaster.


Azaria was very unhappy with that ad lib

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Next Rewatchables episode is…Twister. Sigh.

I plan to see the sequel/reboot since it seems like it can just be its own thing, but the “actually the original was really fun” revisionist history about this movie is annoying.

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I’m confused by your post and my reading comprehension. Are you saying you are or are not a fan of the original?

I hereby vow to never sigh when I like their choice.

I mean, Twister wasn’t terrible, but it wasn’t very good. Which I’m not even mad at if the movie then properly bows out of the conversation forever. You tried, it almost worked, fair play to you, goodbye. But instead, people will talk it up like it was one of the great cheesy 90s action movies, which…no. In that way, it’s basically Air Force One redux.

Anyway, it’s probably better than Along Came Polly, so they’ve done worse fairly recently.

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Amazing. I don’t think we’ve been so far apart on a movie before. I love Twister (and Air Force One!).

That cow flew across the screen, and even as a teenager I just shook my head and threw up my hands and wondered what I was doing there. Basically left the theater going, “Well, Helen Hunt sure is looking good these days. Otherwise…”

I’ve never revisited it since the theater, so it’s a really old watch at this point, but I’m still not really planning to give it a second go. I don’t rule out the possibility of the new one being good though, even if it feels like a stone-cold lock that there will be another goddamn cow as an homage or something.

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That cast tho. Not just Helen Hunt. We’ve also got Bill Paxton and Phillip Seymour Hoffman. You should give this one a second chance. Young you may have misjudged it.

Next you’ll be telling me that a movie featuring, say, Harrison Ford and Gary Oldman must be good too.

I don’t know, I guess it’s possible I’ll try again. Maybe give myself an add/drop period of 30 minutes.

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Get off my plane dude lol

I like Air Force One a lot.

Oh dammit, I just looked and Rewatchables has never done that one. Feels like a lock they will someday.

In the meantime, hopefully this one will be sooner rather than later:


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I hope they do. I enjoy their banter even when we disagree. Much like us, tho you’ve got me shaking my head today.

Hoping for a rip roaring assessment of Twister that maybe shifts your POV.

I sometimes do. And then sometimes CR says that Escape from New York is maybe better than Raiders of the Lost Ark and I rage-quit the episode.

I will say that the recent Bill/Van discussion of Bad News Bears did actually work to make me like the movie better.

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