Unstuckables Rewatchables (a movie game)

Alright, excited that this has dropped. Now to find out if they hate it.

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Oh hell yeah

Everyone on the panel liking the movie was the first big twist.

And that makes the second big twist even more stunning: everyone thinks the coffee shop scene is a miss; one even calls it “a disaster.” WTF.

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Alright, I’m giving this a go. If I’ve just been right for 28 years, the pro-Twister hive has some splainin’ to do.

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Bold move for Cary Elwes to implicitly admit to IP theft in front of about a dozen people.

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Well…he’ll get his

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I was within a reasonable margin of error of being correct, but I do think it displayed a marginal improvement that makes me inclined to upgrade from 2.5 to 3 stars. Which of course still leaves it in a place of “has no right to be a point of cultural fascination for almost 30 years.”

  1. Were PSH and the rest of the merry band of nerds meant to be endearing characters? Because whoops if so.
  2. I hereby rescind my derision for the flying cow. Kinda fun, honestly.
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I’m sad to hear you didn’t have a turnaround in your assessment. Maybe you need to revisit it again a few more times?? :smiley:

I turned around on the cow. Anyway, there’s really not enough meat on the bone here for further rewatch to uncover much of anything. The movie’s fine. Not entirely sure I’ve enjoyed a Hoffman character less.

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I hate seeing movies in the theater on opening night, but I saw that one on opening night because I’m a big fan of weather. Some of it was disappointing on the tornado front and some of it was really good. I liked the cow and 18-wheeler moments which showed the power of weather (things that really happen).

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How can anyone not love this?

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In my defense, I was a grumpy old man even when I was 16 years old.


How about the awesome Van Halen cut Humans Being and the bad ass solo track at the end?

Gets it an extra .5 if you ask me

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Weird bit at the beginning.

Van: “See, blockbusters today have people who are too beautiful. This was more reasonable.”
Bill: “I didn’t think that was going to be your first takeaway.”
Van: “What’d you think?”
Bill: “How this is kind of like a superhero movie.”

What an extremely specific and odd expectation you had lined up, Bill. Reminded me of

Michael Scott: “We think a lot alike. Sometimes you will think something, and I will say what you’re thinking.”
Dwight Schrute: “Okay, what am I thinking right now?”
Michael Scott: “Nacho chips.”
Dwight Schrute: “No. I was thinking about how the skin is the largest organ of the body.”

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Bill: “There should have been a sports fan in the crew, some kind of references to Oklahoma sports.”

Yes, you fucking idiot, if you want a movie to stand the test of time then you date-stamp it and freeze it at one point in time to ensure that at least one part of it feels dated.


There was, that sport is tornadoin’

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Yeah, honestly I would think the storm-chasers are one of the prime candidate groups to be in the “I don’t even OWN a TV” crowd.

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They own TVs, they’re just always tuned to the NOAA weather radar channel

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Is this from True Lies?

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Hell yeah. That’s the scene after he discovers she’s having an affair.