Unstuckables Rewatchables (a movie game)

I had forgotten about this moment. The Romo/Collinsworth recurring bit on this show is usually quite dumb (though it’s funnier when someone does a Collinsworth impression; the Romo impressions are grating), but there is a direct history between Collinsworth and Simmons. This shortly after Simmons’s TV show got canceled:


(Collinsworth deleted the tweet quickly, then came on as a guest on Bill’s show and they squashed it.)

Breaking Away is next. I’ve needed to see that forever, especially as someone who lived in Bloomington for a few years. Guess I might just shell out the rental cost.

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I didn’t think Lake House was bad.

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I think you meant this in the other thread?

Quick takes:

  • The Slap Shot episode prompted me to finally watch the movie. It was fine/good, but I don’t think it really lived up to my expectations. Certainly nowhere close to whatever Bill said about it being maybe the best sports movie ever. Also feels super weird that I’ve now seen The Christmas Story mom topless.

  • Comedies generally make for poor episodes. I love Chris Ryan, but there’s only so much “Chris Ryan busts out laughing while he quotes a line from the movie” I can take. Even some of the better comedy episodes (Fletch and Step Brothers) are largely just them laughing while they quote lines at each other.

  • Breaking Away rules, and I’m so excited this is the next episode.

  • Fun(?) fact: Dennis Quaid recently got married to a PhD student in accounting. She is 39 years younger than he is. Probably not going to pursue a traditional academic career.

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I agree, although National Lampoon’s Vacation really worked for me as a Rewatchables episode.

I recently visited my right-wing parents, and they had Fox News on before switching to the Mariners game. Based on his interview on there, Dennis Quaid has gone the Dean Cain route.

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I’ll also say that the Austin Powers episode of Rewatchables was good because of all the Mike Myers material. A lot still hinges on whether there’s interesting side stuff for them to talk about. But I agree that just the direct movie conversation can suffer when it’s just, “Wasn’t this thing funny? ROTFLMAO!”

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Have to admit I hoped for more from Breaking Away. The cycling scenes were great, and it did have a nice strong finish, but I too often struggled to care about the rest of the movie. Still looking forward to the podcast.

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New episode is up. Second straight episode where Bill sideswipes Rocky for being “slow” (in the context of saying how legendary it is, to be fair). Dude, the character development scenes are part of what set that movie apart. I like most of the ridiculous sequels too, but the movie was great before the franchise devolved increasingly into being installments of a (still highly enjoyable) live-action cartoon. Quit being an attention-addled moop who can’t deal with 1970s pacing.

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CR doing a Wilford Brimley impression in the episode for The Firm is something that lives on in my head.

Also the next ep is The Longest Yard (1974). I’ve never been too interested in this and it’s not on streaming, so it’s probably a bye week for me.

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PSA: their newest episode is a banger. David Krumholtz is an excellent guest.

I haven’t watched Scent of a Woman since the 00s, and didn’t really care to revisit it right now, so I just jumped into this with whatever residual knowledge I had. Episode delivered. They’re doing Martin Brest’s films right now and Meet Joe Black (currently on Tubi) will drop next weekend.

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Oh shit. Thanks for the update. Meet Joe Black is one of my favorite movies. I realize I am unique in that most people only bought a ticket because it included the trailer for Phantom Menace.

Scent of a Woman is meh but fun while watching. Hoo-ah!

No, I’m with you. Just now finishing another watch of Meet Joe Black. Have seen it a ton. I was worried that they might just roast it since it only ever gets mentioned negatively in passing on The Rewatchables, but at least David seems to not take an entirely dim view of it. I’m a little surprised he tips his hand the way he sometimes does on Letterboxd in advance of the episodes, but…



Honestly, I’ll take it. None of the panelists like Scent of a Woman, so a lot of it is roasting, but it’s quite funny. The hilariously terrible Pacino impression right at the start sets the right tone.

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Fair. I’d be okay if they mostly roast MJB anyway. There’s something satisfying about an explanation of a totally different pov about a movie. Makes me appreciate it more to understand why someone thoughtful doesn’t like it.

I don’t mind the negative case against a movie I like if the movie has some life in the cinema conversation, but Meet Joe Black is so summarily dismissed by everyone that I’ve never heard anyone with a platform say anything good about it, and I feel like it deserves some level of reclamation. I mean Griffin and the guest might still be negative on it, and it’s not like David is probably going to ride hard for it (three stars and “I don’t hate it” isn’t exactly a rave), but I just didn’t want to hear an Elizabethtown-style pile-on.

In the episode I linked above, Krumholtz comes out of left field with the claim that the De Niro/Pacino coffee shop scene in Heat isn’t good. That didn’t annoy me at all because that’s really far from the majority view and it didn’t sound like he was just being contrarian for the sake of it.

Wtf. That’s one of the best scenes in the movie imo. Suddenly these two enemies are having a table discussion? Compelling AF to then see them proceed with the heist and capture. That discussion frames the climax as no turning back.

Oh, I agree with you entirely. Weird take. Griffin and David pretty much react with “WTF” also but don’t press him too hard.

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The scene plays so well off the earlier moment when they abandon a heist because they know the heat is on. Pacino has the option to arrest them anyway but doesn’t want a low level prosecution. He’s here to see De Niro get caught in the big heist.

I’m just cooking commentary. I hope we get to see Val Kilmer’s son in an adaptation of Heat 2. He sounds just like his dad.