Unstuck Twitter

Lol, I tamed it down from the original I composed

Can we set up a bot to post UP’s tweets here for those of us olds that don’t twatter?



I think the trump thread title should be edited. I started it and “If you don’t like it you can leave” was a tongue in cheek reference to the migration to the new site and the grumblings of a small minority about the change. I don’t believe it translates well to anyone not familiar with that.

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Yeah my thought there is we know it’s a main attraction high traffic thread, so It should be The Presidency of… with instant twitter updates, or something like that. We will just have to sacrifice our ironic sub titles, unless there is an sub title feature in discourse that won’t show up in twitter.

Then I would edit that first post and just figure out what picture you want shown and what sentences you want twitter to grab and if you want the rest of the OP unchanged, i would just put something like:

— Original OP below —

kre8, can you tone the pinned tweet down a lot, a few people aren’t comfortable with how it’s coming across, let me suggest this:

“Tired of debating your relatives at thanksgiving? Tired of debating bots in your twitter feed? Come to unstuckpolitics.com for robust debate about the issues of the day; and other topics too!”

Alternative/second tweet: “Tired of biting your lip at the office? Wish you had bit your lip at your cousin’s wedding reception? Come to unstuckpolitics.com for robust debate about the issues of the day; and sundry chitchat too!”



ty, hmm weird it’s still pulling the old blue U red P image for the link

When I link the site it pulls that, when I link threads it pulls the last image I pulled from it

great stuff @kre8tive ty for edits

@anon46587892, it’s still pulling the old blue U red P image when the site is linked to

what if you remove the image tag, does anything happen?

something just got fixed, I don’t know if you changed anything but it’s pulling the correct image now

No, I went grocery shopping. Maybe that did the trick?


A bot for the Unstuck account seems a great idea. It’ll encourage those who avoid twitter to offer feedback on style / volume / content of tweets.

Is this the official Twitter account or are we still working it out?

Random thought:

Links to long threads should be to a more recent comment. For example, a new visitor getting linked to the top of the debates thread probably isn’t going to bother scrolling down to find something current and relevant.

Link format is:

Domain t Doesn’t matter Thread ID Comment ID
https://unstuckpolitics.com /t /Almost-anything-can-be-here / # / #

This link:

Does this:

First to sign up at Exiled

First to follow the Unstuck twitter acct

First in our hearts :heart:

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And we’re off.

First few days analytics, no where to go but up…


It’s working.


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Favorite follow

Is this one of ours? lol

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