Unstuck’s Playlist A-Z

Great song. The change at 2:12 (in the video) always gives me the chills.

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getting another of my favorite 2000s-era bands out of the way before moving into some other classics.

the A songs I didn’t get to post:

Wilco - Ashes of American Flags
Simple Minds - Alive and Kicking
Bruce Springsteen - Atlantic City
Elvis Costello - The Angels Wanna Wear My Red Shoes
Radiohead - Airbag

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Sticking with leftist politics


How am I the first one with this jam? You know what time it is.

Whispers One… Two… One. Two. Three. YEEAHHH

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agree with StrontiumDog that B is for Ballad: I’m going with Ballade #1 in G minor, by Chopin, who started writing this piece when he was an aging genius of 20 and then published it a handful of years later in 1835.

This was a featured piece in the movie The Pianist, but some joyless backstage morlock made a series of unforgivable & ludicrous cuts to the music that made my face turn into a cartoon steam engine while sitting in the theater, which was too bad since it was probably a touching scene about the shared rehumanization of a nazi.

here is a live version played by Krystian Zimerman, a polish virtuoso who in poland is known as King Krystian the Glorious, and who is a confirmed eccentric, for example he claims to come up with three sets of fingerings for every piece, then chooses based on the acoustics of the room and the vibe of the piano. Which is weird and unnecessary! Also, once upon a time he was traveling with his obscenely expensive very special superpiano, but the security at a New York airport thought the glue he used to put the parts together smelled like a bomb and they destroyed the piano. Also unnecessary! Once he was giving a recital in LA and stopped midway to give an impromptu speech about his objections to the USA’s plans to build a missile defense shield in Poland—when some people in the audience started complaining and walking out, he yelled “Yes, some people when they hear the word military start marching!” Which was a good line.



I figured someone would get to it.


I mean…


tough call with which to go with next. i always go back and forth between all-time favorites everyone knows or highlighting personal favorites that are lesser-known. let’s do the former here.

same! I have a bunch that are pretty obscure, is that what we’re looking for in this thread? Or stuff like Blitzkreig Bop, that everyone knows and should have on their playlist, lol

hmm, maybe something in the middle. One of my favorite synthpop tunes

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For you, another Squeeze track.

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I was going to post that next! Hmm, one of my favorite bands hasn’t yet made an appearance. Time to change that.


I have three David Bowie tracks I want to post, and as much as I want to do it all at once, I’ll stick to the one that isn’t on Low for now.

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