Unstuck’s Playlist A-Z

I think rather than restarting we should all try to embrace this idea going forward.

I’ll delete my multiple posts for A. I uh skimmed the rules.

In my mind, I am counting someone’s first post as their “real” post and anything else as a desire to share some of their also-rans.

I had like 20 songs lined up for “A” and about 75 also-rans.

I love all music but for this thread I’m going to pitch in with classical. I’ll shoot to keep my submissions on the short side and will try to mix it up between Greatest Hits and more obscure stuff that is also awesome

Feels too easy and dumb to lead off with Cage 4’33", and also I’ll be tempted to go with something by Bach every single time, but in keeping with the spirit of pure numbers…

1812 Overture by Tchaikovsky, just the first 2:45, performed here in a rarely-heard arrangement for chorus! They are singing in Russian, the text is basically like “victory, victory, give us sweet delectable victory, the cross is forever, and the cross will forever be: the cross. Napoleon? lol, lol. We shall destroy everyone who isn’t—us.”

Bonus to the bass section who are so low they are singing directly to all the oppressed blue whales who bravely girdle the waters of the world

if you want to hear the part later where the percussion section includes the tintinnabulation of tremendous church bells and the good christian bloodlust of literal cannon (not canon) fire then that starts ramping up around 14:35


Oh, good, I can post another one.

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A is for Arabesque in C, op18, by Robert Schuman, which was written in 1839 and is squarely in the so-called Romantic era of classical music. It’s a sweetheart of a melody, which belies Schuman’s headspace right then, dude was 29 but he was already going through it; fifteen years later he’d attempt suicide and die soon after in an asylum.

Possibly apocryphal but fun fact, before Schuman got famous as a composer he was on track to be an epic concert pianist; to practice he made a gadget out of a cigar box that was supposed to strengthen his 4th finger—in human pianists a gutless pussyfinger—but his machine ended up paralyzing part of his right hand, a serious disadvantage in the virtuoso pianist game.

version I was raised on, played by Bunin
alternate live version, played by Gilels, who is outstanding but imo always has the energy of the troll you meet at the crossroads: “You must answer me these questions three!”

you can listen to just the first minute to get the gist of the melody


YESSSS…such a great song.

Also, This day cannot conclude without the OG, the GOAT, the grandaddy of them all:

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Tough call on what to post net since I’m almost certainly not gonna get to them all, so here’s the one least likely to be posted by anyone else, I think:

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If it’s just you and me posting new wave and punk/post punk gems for the rest of the night, I’m ok with that.

I submitted this to a walrus and won a category with it.


Maybe my favorite genre / era of music. Here’s another hit from 1980, at your request:

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How about some late-model Roxy Music?


Got 3 for “A”.

First up: Just an absolute Banger from the best rap Album in my lifetime. Kanye really went for it here and just no way this can’t be included.

Second: Just such a perfectly weird encapsulation of what made Outkast revolutionary and great. Awesome rhymes, awesome flow, outer space sound effects. It sounded like nothing that came before it and hasn’t been duplicated since.

“It’s that Daddy Fat Stacks B-I-G B-O-I That’s that same motherfucker that took them knuckles to yo eye”

And third: “I fucked up homie you fucked up but if god got us”


Here’s the Playlist with all the A songs included so far. Can’t guarantee I found a great version of it so if you want to edit any of your songs feel free.

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I’m gonna drop two 60s jams in real quick before I forget. Sorry to do two but I remembered I forgot one of them altogether earlier and didn’t want to miss my chance.

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U2’s last good album was Achtung Baby. Maybe I just hate change.

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U2, you say?

(I think Pop is underrated, myself.)

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I watched Rattle and Hum in the theatre in middle school and it was just one of the most mindblowing things I’d ever seen in my young life.

The Pop Mart tour was the first time I saw them live, coincidentally.

but here, to continue the theme

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Right back atcha with another post-punk / new wave classic.

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