Unstuck’s Playlist A-Z

Well, a little bit of a fast forward, but I like to think in the same spirit.

Fuck, I wanted to get to a bunch more, like a dual “Obstacle 1” / “Obstacle 2” post, but I’m cheating jamming this in now because I just remembered the title is “Out of Sand” and not “Running Out of Sand.”

P is for my favorite Lady Gaga song, and it’s not the one you likely think of first.

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Couldn’t decide between these two TT songs so went with both.

Russian pop plus a flamenco guitar? I’m in!

English lyric translation included in the video

Russian lyrics + romanization

Some might choose their other Pig song, but this one does it for me.

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Paper Planes - M.I.A.


man i got a few

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Its a Walrus winner…

Chicane - Poppihalla

Chicane is an electronic music producer who came to prominence producing trance BANGERS around the turn of the century. This track is a “remake” of Icelandic ethereal-folk rock group Sigur Ros’ Hoppipalla. The result is beautiful melodic electronic piece.

The video is a simple, yet poignant, commentary on race and perception.

I don’t know how to get the video queued, so FYI the song starts at the :30 second mark.

I like this video of him where he keeps smiling.

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Tomorrow is going to be an interesting day in this thread. I don’t have a submission off the top of my head.

Skydiver does not have a monopoly on Jimmy Buffett songs;

so far mine have been leaning serene but most of the classical music I listen to has more grrr so in that spirit I’m going with:

P = Piano Concerto #2 in C minor Op.18, composed by Sergei Rachmaninoff in 1901.

…don’t get me wrong, it’s serene too, but the beginning isn’t:
1st movement - moderato
2nd movement - adagio sostenuto & 3rd movement - allegro scherzando
(the Rachmaninoff concerto featured in Shine is different, that was #3here’s a live recording with Argerich)

but caveat auditor, both of those concertos can go forty minutes, so for something shorter:
Prelude #7, Op.28 by Chopin = a calming 45 seconds
–the Passa Calle from Boccherini’s String Quintet #6 = two minutes I’ve never heard used for a wedding recessional, sigh