Unstuck’s Playlist A-Z


Well, shit, I was gonna take it another direction, but if it’s Neil Young time…

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Great song. Love the original too.

Let’s dip back into 2000s indie rock for a bit. These guys put on a very raucous live show.

Ah, ok.

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Haven’t mentioned this album yet and it needs to be mentioned.

An overlooked one from this band, but a great track.

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trying to pin down classical music as a genre is dumb and any definition I’d get behind would for sure be roomy enough for aspects of post-WWII styles like electronic music, serial music, soundtrack, minimalism, ambient, and neoclassicism. If Bach or Mozart were born today it’s hard to say what they would have ended up doing; Bach would have for sure been a kickass coder, which feels distressing. Some of contemporary classical is really good, but what happens is the best bits get canned and ultimately sentenced to death by exhaustion from overuse in every 1st and 3rd act of every oscar bait movie ever. For example,

O = On the Nature of Daylight by Max Richter

dunno if I’ll get back to much modern/minimalist/ambient-adjacent music in this thread, but if you’re curious then here are ten more ideas

String Quartet #3 / 6th movement “Closing” (Philip Glass, from Mishima)
For Your Own Benefit (Philip Glass, from The Hours)
Facades (Philip Glass, from Glassworks)
Departure (Max Richter, from The Leftovers)
Spiegel im Spiegel (by Arvo Part, the violin & piano arrangment)
Amateur Cartography (by Joseph X. Burke, from Monument Valley)
Music for Airports (Brian Eno)
An Ending (Ascent) (Brian Eno, from Apollo)
Ambre (Nils Frahm, from Wintermusik, this dude is gonna end up having an awesome fifty-year career)
Went Missing (also Nils Frahm, from Spaces)
Melancholia (Johann Johannsson, from Sicario; Johannsson’s 2018 death = a huge huge loss)
Opening (Philip Glass, also from Glassworks)
2815 A.D. (Thomas Newman, from WALL-E)
Andante Con Moto “Vaulter” (Nicholas Britell, from Succession)
Quarantine (Justin Hurwitz, from First Man)
Peril (O’Donnell & Salvatori, from Halo 2)
Fratres (by Arvo Part)


Got a couple of classic ones I want to drop (actually I have about ten songs I want to drop, but I’m trying to limit myself in each post). Let’s take it way back, then a little less back.


woah hey now, thanks Risky, getting sniped has not really been on my radar this draft! Well ok cool, sticking to the spirit of the above, my pinch-hitter O is…

Outlands I & II, by Daft Punk from TRON: Legacy.

for me this still overlaps with classical beyond just the cellos

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I’ve considered Philip Glass and Arvo Part for several letters already. Also Lubomyr Melnyk. Most of my favorites by them seemed like they would be kinda long for this thread though.

Can’t remember if we’ve gotten to these guys but this has to find a place here:

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Damn, I have no idea how I overlooked “Ohio.” I’ve missed a few I meant to at least consider.

Anyway, here’s another tune.


If you’ve got that you have to have this


and this