Ukrainian Derail

That’s one of those strawmen things that jman was falsely accusing me of earlier.

Am I virtue signalling or attacking forum enemies? The first one is an idiotic accusation that you made, the second one I didn’t deny. I’m not inventing positions here, but of course I’m arguing with people I’ve been arguing with about forum stuff genius. That’s fucking obvious. (oh my god he admits it!) I don’t twist myself in knots just to do like you do though. I don’t know what normal stuff you post on this forum aside from the computer thread (where you are normal) but your forum war game stuff is done very well. You are really playing. You would never do something like Jbro did and admit that he supported the war because that would be a bad game move. And I can argue with people on my team about this. I’m sure they don’t agree with me on everything and I’d do it right here. But you never would because you are that devoted to playing.

And why? That’s really funny.

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Happy belated Friday everybody!



Manufactured out of whole cloth. You don’t have a single quote to back up either of these.

I’m not sure what you’re saying. The first thing is me saying something. I have no idea what you mean posting that. The second was a bit of an exaggeration, but CN knows what I was talking about. It’s in the Snowden thread.

a female army officer is preparing the newly mobilized to ask their relatives to stock up first aid kits for them. these people will die, not because of a cia proxy war, or even some sort of evil satisfaction from ukranian artillery or special forces, or the western observers who root for them. they will die because they didn’t realize they have agency on being sent to war.

shanah tovah @anon38180840 !

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Really? Well I read this thread. I read the covid thread (don’t post in it much). I read the computer thread, which is apparent by my post right there. (ETA: Homeowners thread.) I don’t really post in AM. You do though.

I’m pretty sure you were against the wars, but you’re the one not willing to go against your teammates. What’s funny here is that, were it not for your playing games here, you would be posting on the other side of this argument. As it is, you just avoid the issue and talk about games.

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hey now, both “sides” here can probably rally on shitty attitudes towards mental health issues and definitely there’s some disconnect and lols to be had for any “unilaterally leaking sensitive private communications because you feel its the right thing to do is the worst crime one can possibly commit” takes but what do i know, i’m just a simpleton (or a machiavellian genius depending on who you ask and what cycle they’re on)

I guess I get what you meant by posting the first thing. You think I’m suggesting that someone else said that the people who were dropping bombs weren’t psychopaths and shouldn’t have been put in prison and that I’m criticizing them for that, as if I think they were psychopaths and should be put in prison.

That’s funny. I guess you haven’t been following along. I was not being sarcastic.

Did an ETA on the homeowners thread. How many threads an I supposed to post in here before you say I’m not just here to cause trouble? There are probably others. But oh my gosh, you’ve got point to prove about forum games. By all means, post more about that.

I’m talking about the real wars genius. I know you’ve only posted about forum games here…anyway, I’m pretty sure you knew exactly what I meant and were just playing games. Did you score a point?



I know you think this earnestly. I think it’s ridiculous that you think you are special here for thinking this, and you have completely invented the position of your forum enemies.

I think I did score a point, yes, and as I’ve said before, obviously I’m fighting with people I fight with. That doesn’t mean it’s the only thing I’ve been doing here — unlike you.

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It’s Shanah. Not Shonah. Stop these crimes against my language.


apologies. i copy pasted from my email

I don’t think anyone here thinks the pilots in SE Asia were psychopaths and should have been put in prison.

What position did I invent for who? You accused me of suggesting that you support all wars. That was you inventing a position for me. You defended the invasion of Iraq in 1991 and because of that I assumed you supported it (or support it in hindsight). You can just correct me if that’s wrong.

I quoted you already.

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Then I’m sure you have numerous quotations to back this up.