Ukrainian Derail

For the first thing you quoted…can you explain how me stating something I think is me falsely attributing something to someone else?

OK, here’s another quote:

Quote someone. Anyone. At least one motherfucking person. I mean, I can grant that you may honestly think this, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t invented.

I saw all the posts in this thread and just assumed that Russia had decided to nuke Ukraine. Nope. This is much worse.


Wait, you do think American soldiers should be trialed in the US for war crimes in SE asia (which means just about everything they were ordered to do)?

It’s basically the opposite of what I’ve been saying. You have misinterpreted something. Maybe I wrote it badly. But, it’s an integral part of the points I’ve been making that people here generally do not feel that the pilots in SE Asia were psychopaths and should be put in prison, and it’s a central part of my entire thesis here (and unlike gfy I am talking about stuff other than forum games) that they were in fact not psychopaths and should not be put in prison.

I think Micro should back up his accusations with actual quotes.

dude you are misunderstanding his position.

it would be amazing if anyone here actually thinks that american pilots should be prosecuted. you want him to find a quote where this forum don’t think this? I’ll be astonished if someone does think it.

What accusations??? One of my supposed accusations was me describing what I think and had nothing to do with anyone else.

Maybe he’ll find it in the same place where he found the quote of someone saying that the average German soldier in WWII should be hanged.

Well, there are quotes about that. What happened there is I said the average German solider in WWII should not be blamed for the holocaust and Jman called me a Hitler apologist. That one did rustle my jimmies.

Gonna need a video of Jman holding a sign saying his username, the date and time while saying this.

I don’t understand this post, this is a very strange conversation. Just pretend this isn’t microbet and try to give a coherent post of your position.

Microbet: “No one in this forum thinks American pilots should be prosecuted for following their orders”

MrWookie: “False. Me/Someone else thinks it”

is that a correct portrayal of your response?

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That might get to what he’s thinking, but of course I don’t think that no one here thinks that any American should have been prosecuted for war crimes.

The real warcrimes were the enemies we made along the way.


Yeah. Wookie. Your posting here is very confusing. I think you’ve missed something.

Try explaining in complete sentences what you think MB is saying

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And I’m going to restate my point. It’s not about justice for Germans or unfair punishment for Germans. Fuck Germany. It’s about how making it like Germans in WWII were all that different from anyone else in the world right now is dangerous. It’s like, as long as Germany is cool, we got it…never again. But, that’s not the case.


If Ukraine wins this war it’s possible, even likely, that far fewer repressive dictators will find refuge and safe haven in the world. Look at who supports Russia in the UN, a collection of dictators for life with inconsistent views but similarly repressive regimes. That the US is just as bad because the Mexican American war or whatever, or because how could mere slavery justify the excesses of general Sherman when the South only wanted to live in peace in the fashion God intended.

We’ve seen and heard the same arguments for hundreds of years but especially after the Russian revolution. Each situation must be decided on its own merits, but for 80 years the USSR and now Russia has made a mockery of international institutions while killing millions, generally their own people, and turning life into a Kafkaesque pageant of subjugation, while deriding (with some accuracy) the imperialism of the West. We know not everything is black and white, but the sides are not equivalent. Dresden was bad, Nagasaki was bad, maybe both unnecessary. Still, it’s a debate we are free to have without fear of reprisal or a knock on the door.

If Ukraine and/or NATO kill a million Russians who innocently and with good intentions are goaded over their neighbor’s boarder, that’s unfortunate, but I and many people can wish for it if it resolves the war. For every bullet in a recruitment officer or every burned down arsenal, there’s a chance the next bullet is for Putin.

I think these things are clear and it’s almost irrelevant how the arguments are framed. The positions are known. One could write a thousand page book going over the history of humanity to demonstrate that the Microbets of the world are useful idiots in a complex world, even if they are sometimes right. A lot of the debate seems to fall back on the aims of people and nations. To some, Ukrainians are merely fighting to be the subjects of capitalist oppressors. To others, capitalist oppression looks like a pretty decent option. The Ukrainians know Russia well, let them decide.

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Seroiusly, talk about inventing positions for people. What has happened is that I’ve said you’re a jackal for drooling over Russian deaths and you in particular were like (paraphrasing) “Call them heroes if you want, as long as they die!” and you just want to label me a collaborator and a heretic because you just want to be part of a mob.

My post is more general and aimed as much at people like Chomsky as you. I don’t like mobs, I don’t even like being in the majority, and I don’t like piling on you. But I will cheer every inch of ground Ukraine recaptures and every troop train they bomb until it’s over. Hopefully the world will be a better place afterwards.