Ukrainian Derail

Then part of what I said there would be wrong.

Maybe. I also donā€™t think it had anything to do with the reasons for the war. That doesnā€™t necessarily determine whether it was good or not, but I donā€™t think anyone making those decisions was estimating how many people would die and deciding based on that.

I think youā€™ve definitely either not expanded on, or said a few things that they have latched on to that they will hold against you for quite a while.

We know what ā€œgoing to warā€ as a soldier entails from a ā€œnormalā€ kind of movie/fairytale role.

To even use the USA as the sole example in more recent wars, the soldiers who committed the My Lai atrocities or Eddie Gallagher arenā€™t the norm. They committed war crimes. I think we can judge individual soldiers/squads for their actions. In most conflicts most will be doing normal war shit. Iā€™d say the Nazis likely had the highest amount outside these bounds.


To be clear I am not paying ā€œforum gamesā€ whatever the fuck that means. I think Microā€™s views here, his both-sidesing and whatabouting some of histories greatest monsters is truly fucking despicable.

Says the number one game player on the whole forum. By far. You literally never let up. Thereā€™s like no reason for you to be on team go Iraq War here, but there you are with your buddies jman and CN.

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Is dropping a bomb on a civilian village sufficiently distinct from rounding up those same civilians and shooting them?

There is actually an interesting discussion to be had here.

We all agree that people are products of their environment. (I think)

Itā€™s also clear that nazis are bad.

How we square these two statement is much more interesting than shouting ā€œmicro defended Hitler!ā€


Liar. Iā€™ve already posted that I was against the second Iraq war. It was your buddy who was for it. I take issue with your ā€œwell actually, the German soldiers donā€™t deserve blameā€ bullshit.

Yes, the Nazis were the worst and the Russians and Japanese were pretty terrible too. But, the people dropping bombs on Cambodia in an illegal war werenā€™t psychopaths and shouldnā€™t have been put in prison, but they caused an awful lot of people to die. Itā€™s not really part of the point though, and I donā€™t believe Jman is in earnest at all. Of course heā€™ll ā€œhold this against meā€ in the forum wars.

I think of ā€œforum gamesā€ as involving gotchas, scoring points, and dunking on people.

So 200 posts laterā€¦did anything noteworthy happen in the Ukraine Russia war in the last 24 hours? Maybe time for an excise?

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So from a thought experiment weā€™re basically saying was X bombing that killed X people that much worse than My Lai where a similar amount of people were killed in a more ā€œpersonalā€ manner?

well good for you, god blessed you with the ability to wish death on strangers and also avoid having to see it yourself.

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People are generally bad.

No, micro is just pretending to be the only good person upset about carpet bombing Laos. You see, his forum enemies must have supported all of the other wars because they think Ukrainians should defend themselves against genocide.


I didnā€™t force you to post this:

It might be more correct to say micro sincerely believes he is the only philosophically consistent person upset about carpet bombing Laos.

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ā€œvirtue signalā€ and ā€œsnowflakeā€ just come so naturally to you. Such a stupid comment. Like you think Iā€™m trying to make people here think Iā€™m full of virtue? You really think thatā€™s what Iā€™m doing?

Stupid people donā€™t understand things like using examples. The bombing in SE Asia is the best example of US atrocities that no one seems to talk about much and itā€™s pretty damn recent. And Iā€™m not using it as an example of how shitty everyone is, but as an example of how easy it is to ignore atrocities when thereā€™s nothing pushing the discussion in popular media. Holodomor comes up a lot more often because other people, with bigger platforms, want to use that to make a different point.

If I have any support for any war, it must mean that I have total support for every war.