Ukrainian Derail

ROFL. Crimes against humanity!!


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Micro has gone as far as defending Eichmann, even if it’s on accident because he never read a banal evil

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That is not at all what he posted. What he actually said was that you cant blame German soldiers. It’s fucking deplorable.

The US did assist Kuwait in repelling Iraq. Then the US invaded.

This is what happened to the fleeing Iraqis.


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Huh. Sounds like the Iraqis should have just stayed home.

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Nice. Did you borrow that response from Toothsayer?

For someone who just called me an idiot it’s really something that you don’t see he is parroting what you just said

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And I don’t think jman should be thrown in prison. Get it?

Almost like no crimes were committed

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Just like the NSA. You are right doc. No crimes committed!

On that point they’re both clearly talking past each other though.

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Despite obviously arguing, I’m still saying things that I think are reasonable and that I believe. Jman is just a liar playing forum games.

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NSA was just doing their jobs not sure what you’re mad about can’t hold them responsible

It’s at least plausible that defending Kuwait prevent Saddam from going after Al-Ahsa in Saudi Arabia and Kuzestan in Iran. Would there be a net saving of life if the Gulf War prevented a rerun of the Iran-Iraq War? Obviously, we can’t know if it did, but the possibility should be taken into account.

Let’s stop besmirching the amazing Benny Hill song. It was a classy show in a classy time.


I don’t know what level you’re on with “just doing their jobs”. I have to put you on level 1 though.

There’s actually an interesting discussion to be had here. I wish that could happen instead of whatever this is.


What if you’re both saying things that you think are reasonable and believe?

I think most people here watching the video didn’t actually notice that the Russians falling off the tank were getting shot. If so, that’s not much of an excuse though because I think people were just looking to be amused by war.

Maybe the worst take of the day.