Ukrainian Derail

I only advocate violence as a last resort, when there don’t seem to be any other options. I have a lot of pessimism about the internal trajectory of America.

I suppose there is an argument for the idea that more sensible borders in the Middle East can only be drawn by violence and the region needs to undergo a process similar to the European wars of religion to get there. And maybe the US should encourage it and sell arms to all sides.

You’re trying to test my Jewish loyalty. Nice, really nice.

Oh I’m sorry please quote when you actually addressed the people of Kuwait, sa, and more.

lol utterly delusional

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It was in the 2nd paragraph. I know it’s hard for you to get that far into a post.

The ignore feature works really well here, just throwing that out there.

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It really says something that this isn’t even close to the worst idea posted in the last 30 or so posts.

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So how do they not get into your analysis? You mention only losses on the Iraq side, and mention nothing about the lives saved and stability kept by stopping Saddam.

What was Saddam going to fix?

The evil Kuwaiti Monarchy obviously, Micro already explained it. Just like the Op in this thread explained how Putin was going to stop evil NATO expansion.

Anyways, this is the meme from azov that made me laugh


Are you not reading where I said I think more people died because of the US (sanctions and) invasion or are you asking me to provide the death count and my estimates of the death counts if we chose some other course of action? Is that Sea Lioning?

If you think fewer people would have died if we had not invaded, feel free to just say it. I know that neither of us really know what the results would have been.

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Awesome, more defense of US wars.

He wasn’t going to fix things, but that doesn’t mean the US should have invaded.

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Awesome, more defense of US wars. I guess this forum isn’t as anti-US ME invasion as it polls.

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Im’ not defending US wars. I’m suggesting that you stop apologizing for Hussein, Putin, and apparently Hitler.

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Jesus Christ that’s actually it

Honestly this deserves me saying something bannable, but I’ll just once again just point out that you are an actual perpetrator of crimes against humanity here talking about “apologizing” and shit that’s happening in posts on a forum.


It’s not an invasion to help someone who asks for it. Unless you have a case that Kuwaitis would be actually better under Saddam’s rule, then what even is it to you?

I try to at least take it into consideration and be honest about where I come short, especially when it’s out of laziness and greed. I’m sure I do hold the lives of people I actually know higher than strangers, and of course, I hold the lives of my children above everyone else, but I don’t hold the lives of strangers who happen to live in the United States higher than the lives of strangers who happen to live in other countries.


I dont think this is fair. Micro put out a clear argument that regular soldiers in germany dont have the same blame as the leadership. You might not agree with it, but you shouldn’t paint it as something it’s not.

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