Ukrainian Derail

Iraq War I has an interesting example of very effective propaganda which some of you may have heard of and may even remember.

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Go on. Now do Ukraine.

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War shouldn’t be the process for fixing the sins of colonialism.


Why? Are you suggesting something? Are you trying to identify me as a collaborator? Inquisitor, how about you answer all the questions you’ve ignored?

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That doesn’t sound like you.

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We can insist that a set of rulers arent legitimate or democratic AND think that defending existing borders is a worthwhile enterprise for reducing conflict.


Sure, we can argue that it’s for the greater good. That wasn’t the argument and no one makes that argument because invading Iraq was a fucking disaster both times.


Nice discussion, bros


Can you explain how the 1991 war was a disaster?

I could just roll the clip of Albright saying it was worth it if 500000 Iraqi children died (that was probably an overestimate of the effects of sanctions at the time, but that was before the invasion). Short answer is that it was a disaster because so many human beings suffered and died, doctor.


What does this mean, though? Does it mean this?

If not, why not? If the answer is that nothing good comes of doing this on such a large scale, I am going to need to ask why doing it on a small scale is any better.

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It means don’t Stan for the nazis as “they’re only human herp derp” because you’re trying to make a really stupid fucking point. That’s what it means. Nobody is advocating trying to imprison a million soldiers.

Maybe also don’t be an apologist for Putin or minimize what he’s doing either (not directing this at you). But the Op of this thread started off doing that, and the Op’s mates have continued it. It was fucking stupid then, and it’s really fucking stupid now.

ETA: not directing any of this at you.

God forbid someone should call you on watching videos of people being shot to Benny Hill music.

I honestly have no idea what the fuck you are talking about. If someone posted a video upthread of people being killed to Benny Hill, that’s bad. But also, maybe stop apologizing for murderous dictators and literal nazis.

You’re an idiot. Maybe ChrisV will explain why and maybe you’ll listen then. Doubt it though.

Would people not have died if iraqs invasion took all of Kuwait and, as was worried about at the time, Saudi Arabia? Or do those deaths and sovereignties don’t count?

Quite possibly the dumbest fucking thing posted in the history of this forum, and that is saying something.

Wonderful that in this forum of people who were really against the US wars we have such a spirited defense of them. Thank goodness some Republicans lied about who they were as long as they could and are now here to provide such fun and vigorous debate.

I think a lot more people died because of the US (sanctions and) invasion. People all count the same. Sovereignties don’t count for shit, especially not Monarchies.

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So that’s a no they don’t count. Gotcha.

Also fuck I forgot that Iraq attack Iran and Israel too

You are reading as well as you ever have.

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