Ukrainian Derail

The whole “Axis of Evil” thing never made any fucking sense to me. My first reaction to that, as someone who didn’t follow politics back then like I do now, was “what the fuck does North Korea have to do with Iran?”

Uhhh so you never actually read Arendt did you? I wouldn’t bother honestly. The banality of evil is interesting, even if ultimately dumb, but her later work blows, especially her coming out against desegregation of schools.

No one did this either.

You’re completely incapable of intellectual honestly at the slightest provocation.

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i was too young to know what was going on during iraq 2 lol


Dude, all you do is troll and all you’re waiting for is for everyone who points out that this “orc” shit sucks to leave so you can go back to watching videos of Russians getting shot to Benny Hill music.

Yeah, this is another good point. I don’t know that uncritically quoting the philosopher who said this:

Really helps Micro’s argument as to why German soldiers shouldn’t be held responsible for the holocaust because “anyone could have done that.”

Like, no shit human beings are capable of horrible things like the holocaust. But the Nazi Soldiers fought on that side and they should absolutely be held accountable. Nazis don’t get a pass because other people are also capable of being Nazis. Because they did that.

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I doubt that, but such videos are posted in this thread and received a lot less controversially than arguing with your best friends here.

Micro I’m a product of my environment and have no control over my actions. Please give me some sympathy in these trying times.


Honestly this whole derail should be excised to the “virtue signalling about how great I am because I support Edward Snowden” thread.


Ah yes, my great hypocrisy uncovered, that I don’t hurl enough personal abuse at skydiver.


I’m just fucking pissed that I lost the tweet I found from an azov survivor posting a pretty fucking sweet rick and morty meme.

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all is fair in information war. which russia is losing right now.

They weren’t. 10 people were hung at Nuremberg. Nazi soldiers like Kurt Waldheim to become things like the Secretary General of the United Nations and President of Austria.

You think putting 30 or 40 million Germans in prison at the end of WW2 is what should have happened?

What should happen to the Americans who were in the military while the US bombed Cambodia?

What should happen to prosecutors who put more people in prison per capita than in any other country?


Whole lotta strawmen in your post here. I never said any of that. Post better. Nice try with the bait at the end.

USA is the absolute goat information war-er. They never stood a chance!

Those are all questions, not strawmen. You can answer them or not. The last question is 100% serious. Like, I get that it’s personal and all, but the prison system in the US is a legit crime against humanity imo. All I’m suggesting though is that it should be examined. It should be understood that the perpetrators just think they are being normal and it’s something that most people around them accept as good.



I wish I was too young to follow Iraq II. Whole country went insane overnight. People on the day of 9/11 were gung ho ready to go to war with Saddam before we even had the slightest idea who was responsible. In hindsight, it should have prepared me for the Trump Era.


Was all for Iraq War 1 because I was a sixth grade idiot.

Was very against Iraq War 2 the entire time.


International borders mean something. They’re not just lines on a map. States should never be allowed to use force to change borders. Even small instances should be pushed back to prevent the precedent that war is an acceptable means of acquiring territory. It was reasonable to want to protect Kuwait’s borders from Iraq and it’s reasonable to protect Ukraine’s borders from Russia.


Kuwait is and was a place dominated by royalty where the majority of people are not recognized as citizens and large numbers of people are literal slaves. Recognizing their government as legitimate rulers of the idiotic lines that were left when Britain left in 1961 is obscene.