Ukrainian Derail

Here come the moved posts.

Moved Snowden derail to the Snowden thread.

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Deal with what fact? That the NSA is legal? Are you still trolling?

The Snowden discussion is relevant.

Who here imagines that when people were being blackballed during the 50’s for being “fellow travellers” that they would actually have been against that?

I disagree and don’t think it would be funny if people like skydiver who volunteered to fight got wrecked, let alone the people who supported the war in thought or whatever, which is probably more than half the people on the forum.


Uh, price check on ‘probably more than half the forum supported the war in Iraq’.

Did you support the war in Iraq?

  • Lol, no
  • no
  • yes

0 voters

I dunno, I was ambivalent about but ultimately ok with the war and think it would be darkly funny if the end result was me getting shot in the face by an Iraqi. My ghost or whatever would certainly would be fine with a Frenchman being like “lol, what was that about being greeted as a liberator again?”

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I was strongly against it and busy making my classmates hate me every time it came up and I got up on my soapbox.


In May, just after the invasion, public support was around 80%. By then end of summer, it was about 50%. Maybe this is the 20%. Also, maybe a lot of people don’t remember that they changed their minds at some point, especially considering some of the people here were teenagers then.

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Against that shit ever since 9/11/2001, dumbest war ever.

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I would have been in the 80% that was yes and then 50% that was no. Knew it turned quick but only a few months from May to the end of August is pretty amazing.

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I wrote a protest song against the invasion of Iraq in 1991. Pretty decent song imo.


I was too young to even know what was going on in Iraq War I.


Not going to make this a thing, but just in the interest of fairness, I’d think it’s true that most people on the forum did not support the Iraq war, did not support it in advance, even though public support was very high at first. I think a bunch of us are a little older than you think and are not backfilling our dissent into our teenage years. Clinton impeachment, was against that too, then I was a teenager.

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All you have to have been to have been against the Clinton impeachment is partisan. Democrats were all against it. Most Democrats were for the wars, at least immediately after US troops got into it.

Almost 90% of people initially supported the invasion of Afghanistan. You think most people here didn’t?

Yeah, I’d guess that most people here supported the invasion of Afghanistan (including me), but then most of those did not support the invasion of Iraq.

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So I assume you don’t think it would have been funny to see people who supported the invasion of Afghanistan getting wrecked.

I don’t find almost anything about this funny except for the people in power who are responsible, should they ever get wrecked.

Results of this poll are bullshit LMFAO. Or maybe everyone was just a silent dissenter.