Ukrainian Derail

There are very few of us on this forum who were actively posting on 2+2 during the early days of the Iraq war. I’m one of the longest-posting posters and I didn’t join until May of 2005. You have no basis for stating that this poll is bullshit. UP posters have often skewed far to the left of “mainstream” American politics. I have no reason to disbelieve it.

Ok then tell me how to square up how everybody was against the war in Iraq, is against Russia invading Ukraine and considers all Russians in the Army to be complicit “Orcs” even if they are fucking kidnapped and forced into service, yet somehow think people like Skydiver have no responsibility for her choice to voluntarily serve in an armed service that had at least very recently engaged in an unjust war based on lies? (Not to mention also support people that volunteered for services to actually fight in that war.)

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This forum is full of mostly bog standard Democrats so the onus is on you to explain how in that case everybody miraculously evaded the bog standard line of SUPPORTING DA TWOOPS. I mean I fell for it too.


Yeah because I’m not a lying liar who lies.

How about you guys get to explaining your support of the troops instead of deflecting and being your usual asshole self?

A lot of us were less likely to fall for misinformation and propaganda than you? I mean, I initially was ok with the Afghanistan war because Bin Laden was there and he attacked us, but I remember thinking “what the fuck does Iraq have to do with this?” Seemed pretty obvious to me at the time that Iraq was always bullshit.

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Lol, who voted for Bloomberg?

Seemed obvious to a lot of people who ultimately supported it. Or at the least kept their fucking purty little mouths shut about it.

So which one were you then? Someone who it was obvious to but kept your purty mouth shut, or someone who wasn’t smart enough to pick up on the obviously bullshit causus belli? You know, as someone who self-admittedly supported it and all.

I would like you guys to tell me more about how you square up your thoughts that all Russians (excuse me, Orcs) that participate in the war in Ukraine willingly or unwillingly are culpable while you were busy tying yellow ribbons to trees in support of troops willingly fighting in a war that you opposed.

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Who is “you guys” in this thought experiment? Because I think these guys exist mostly in your imagination.

Yeah it seemed pretty bogus to me, but ultimately all the propaganda wore me down. Now answer my questions about supporting the troops.

Well, Wookie for one. And like 98 percent of American’s for another. There must be some overlap here? Or maybe nobody felt like speaking up against those posts the last few days regarding the disgusting Orcs who are being kidnapped and forced to serve being culpable.

As @goofyballer indicated, you appear to be lying about @MrWookie:

(That one post is a discussion in the LC thread of LOTR by the way).

Try harder.

Lie less?

I mean, most of the people here were quite young for afghanistan/Iraq.

I’d expect people to have been watching more Daily Show than whatever mainstream news, that’s how I was against it.

College was also a pretty liberal place and most of us were probably in it at the time. I was. Also, agreed about the Daily Show.

If I never did that would I be allowed to think that Russian conscripts are culpable?

Are American troops culpable for Iraq?