Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

nah that’s not on you, I think I can skip it, I don’t know what it was but that one particular clip super bothered me (the woman in van one)

This thread has barely mentioned the significant bipartisan US funding effort for Ukraine, approaching $100bn.

I’m all in favor of this and hope it continues. I think it likely will, but less robustly, if the GOP wins the House in Nov.

In any event, I would regard Ukraine funding as related to something Yglesias calls “Secret Congress,” where a decent amount is getting done under the radar of Fox News, Brietbart, etc. (There was a global warming treaty passed last week that I also haven’t seen mentioned in the various WAAF threads.)

People like Tucker Carlson aren’t happy about Ukraine funding, as least when they feel free to bloviate, but it’s getting done due to support of GOP hawks in the Senate (around 15-20 senators). Biden, of course, has so far done an exceptional job guiding both foreign policy and congressional relations on Ukraine, basically like he said he would when he was running.


I think you’re right, this is way under the radar, I don’t think it’s even close, this has been bigger than W’s decision to start the war on terror. Zelenskyy gets a lot of credit here, but if Biden had not managed to keep NATO unified (and, in fact, strengthened it during this crisis), Ukraine would have gotten ground down and we’d probably be looking at China seriously thinking about moving into Taiwan. Who knows what dominoes would have been next after that.

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Laughing at the thought of most of the forum getting conscripted into Iraq and then killed isn’t very nice.

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273 posts were merged into an existing topic: Ukrainian Derail

What does one do with so much non-palletized material? RU obviously knows where it is. Do they have no precision weapons to destroy it? Can’t send a jet or helicopter? If I were Ukraine I would move all the stuff at least 10km away, issue the useable munitions to troops, etc.

The results of the Kharkiev offensive must be a logistical nightmare to deal with.

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In university I thought I could handle anything at least soundwise and someone linked a site of the final black box recordings on planes that crashed killing everyone. Listened to about 3 or 4 and was quite shaken.

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oh yea those are surprisingly bad, when you hear about them it doesnt seem like they will be, but in so many crashes almost everyone on board knew they were dying well before it happens, lots of recordings there are audible screams from passengers, so bad

I’ve always tried to avoid the worst in sound, video, and jpgs on the internet and elsewhere and, thankfully, have usually been successful. I don’t watch horror movies or even revenge porn action movies. Often times I’ll check reddit comments before clicking links. There are plenty of widely shared Ukraine videos I intentionally haven’t seen.

I know there are terrible things happening. For every puppy rescued from a hole, many more die. For every seal released from a net, many more suffer. Every animal, insect, and bacteria on this earth eats everything else. If there were a god, he would be the evilest designer imaginable. I don’t need to watch the videos to know this.

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i’m sure it’s nothing

What’s wrong with ghoulishness? I personally find dark humor to be a good way of coping with the realities of war.

Dehumanizing people is how you cope with the realities of your precisely zero percent chance of ever having to endure being in a war?


Yeah, sure. Why not?

That video is not ghoulish by any stretch of the imagination. The humor is that the tank is driving around wildly and smashes into a tree, not that people are dying. It’s not clear that anyone is even killed in the video.

You’re missing a big part of the point of humor. Of course it sucks that there’s a war in Ukraine. It’s not good that Russian soldiers are dying, even if it’s preferable to Russia winning the war. The reason we have humor is to allow ourselves to function psychologically when everything is bad. You can’t just go around attaching strongly negative emotions to everything you see.

This is insane. Are these people who had previous service terms or something? Even the tsarist army wasn’t just grabbing randos and sending them to the front.

There was some commentator on CNN stating that the draft wasn’t going to do anything to help Russia right now, because it would be months before Russia could draft, train, and then send it’s citizens to the front.

Putin: “Hold my beer.”