Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

Do you really believe the MAGA crowd doesn’t already think Dems want to kill Trump?

There are 4 youngish russian men on my flight from Manila to bali. Seem to have just come via dubai.

I guess they got the fuck out of dodge to head to the beach.

Side note. They seem exceptionally douchey.

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Sure but they’re already nuts. I think to “foment disorder” in a society you have to, like, provoke a change.

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Ha ha, when I was on vacation in Portugal I did a wine tour and the guide had a whole rant about the nouveau riche doucheyness of rich Russians.


Nah, you can foment disorder by encouraging them to escalate. Do you think a Trump assassination wouldn’t induce the MAGAs to elevate their willingness to do violence by an order of magnitude? Dem politicians at all levels might be targeted for revenge killings.

Russians definitely douchey travellers in my experience, definitely think it is the nouveau riche thing. Same thing with Indian and Arab travellers. Like imagine if the only representatives of America overseas were young rich Silicon Valley techbros, it’s like that.

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Because even Putin would realize that the overwhelming likelihood is that he would get caught, possibly even before he succeeds in the plan, and then he would be completely and totally fucked.

Well, then, he could just move on to nukes.

If I were Putin, I’d think Trump being alive and doing his thing in America is far more useful to Russian interests than a staged assassination.

Seriously. If the goal is “destabilization” then Donnie Dumb Dumb is the biggest political destabilizer around. Why gun him down just to have Ronnie Dumb Dumb or some other 2nd rate populist take over?

Then what about a false flag operation designed to look like a failed assassination attempt on Trump?

What about a false flag false flag operation designed to look like a failed false flag assassination attempt on Trump?



Looks like the commander died in the hospital

I don’t trust many of these descriptions of videos. Clearly someone is being shot here point blank, but definitely only one time, not four.

There might have been three more shots after the camera guy ran away.

I think this situation looks a lot different. He has no capability to wage full-scale war and certainly no chance of winning one without enjoining a great ally like China. Aorn it’s just a deranged dictator threatening to suicide bomb “the West” if everyone fails to acquiesce to whatever Calvinball rules he invents next as he walks into a checkmate that he created.

Basically this:


the anti-russia hate bothers me a bit, like, 90% of the ppl involved in this are victims at least, even including all the people who eat up the propaganda.

probably biased because i know people there but w/e


Even the people who make the propaganda are influenced by their own propaganda and Putin himself is influenced by the echo chamber of yes men he is surrounded with. They can’t all be victims.

In my opinion anyone in Russia who was ever on board with this is culpable (which is a majority of the country) and deserves the scorn whether or not they are also victims from some perspective

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this is fair ofc, yet the discomfort of being a russian and not condemning the regime has to be taken in context of the damage the regime and the war is doing. it’s not even close.

dissident expats from Russia who are fighting the regime abroad, are more or less welcomed in the west. they are on BBC/DW/CNN and on Foxness, at the State Dept, meeting with congresspeople of both parties, and they are hired as Provosts at prestigious colleges. Many of them were awarded by international committees.

Russophobia as lavrov/putin describes it is a complete myth. Yet phobia of putin/lavrov and the russian state was cultivated by themselves, committing all sorts of crimes around the world with impunity for two decades. that russophobia exists for a very good reason.