Ukraine, Russia, and the West

This should help

That makes it seem like a really big deal jal. What are you trying to say here?

No payment >>>>>>>>>>>>> delayed payment

The guy’s tweet I embedded is a Middle Eastern journalist with a blue check mark. Could be some translation issues, though. The report said they are “open to it” which is different than calling for it, and here’s another phrasing:

I’m sure the GOP will just effortlessly sidestep with something like “Biden caused this”, and the center-right goldfish memories will instantly forget that half the party was pro-Putin,

It would be except that powerful Americans aren’t keen to establish the precedent of seizing the ill gotten assets of bad actors. DUCY?


CNBC derpers want their stonks to stonk, as you know.


Won’t even forget that they were pro-Putin, they’ll still be pro-Putin and say that this is Biden’s fault.

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They are also talking out the other side of their mouth about how we shouldn’t get involved in another war. So it is some disconnect about how Biden is too weak to get us into a war that they even don’t want in the first place.

That’s the finance minister not the economy minister. “thinking about it” is an empty phrase anyway.

Edit: it’s even less. “thinking about the consequences” isn’t close to “open to it”

GOP sources say it’s no big deal because Millennial Spirit would have sunk anyway under the weight of its lattes and avocado toast.


Maybe you should have said this instead of declaring taking out swift as a ‘waste of time’. It doesn’t seem to be a ‘waste of time’ to anyone else, including your own source.


I think it’s both, it’s a big deal when combined with real sanctions. SWIFT is the standard way of doing international transactions. So it goes

Western Bank teller: happy to process that for you, what’s your SWIFT code?
Russian: um, I don’t have one, can we use an alternate method?
Western Bank teller: um, why is that, you are not trying to move sanctioned funds are you?
Russian: of course not! [Gives excuse]

Now, the bank teller is highly suspicious. Some banks would be risk averse and refuse to handle this business regardless. But for plenty, it’ll come down to whether they are legally prohibited from doing so, i.e. whether there are real sanctions in place or not.


CP seems to be all over the place. There’s agreement that Biden is weak but they don’t seem to have good talking points yet.

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (the Parliament) appeals to the states - guarantors of independence, sovereignty and existing borders of Ukraine in accordance with the Memorandum on security assurances in connection with Ukraine’s accession to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (Budapest Memorandum) to take immediate action to ensure the effective de-escalation and the cessation of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, the withdrawal of Russian troops and equipment from the territory of Ukraine and the provision of real assistance to Ukraine in restoring its sovereignty and territorial integrity within internationally recognized borders.

We also call on the international community:

  1. to use NATO forces for deploying a no-fly zone over the territory of Ukraine in order to protect civilians from air and missile strikes;

  2. to apply the harshest sanctions in order to deprive the militaristic machine of the Russian Federation of financial subsidies - disconnect it from SWIFT, freeze financial and other transactions with the Russian Federation and all state entities of this state, impose strong sanctions against all Russian state banks;

  3. to prohibit the transfer to the Russian Federation of any military goods and technologies, as well as dual-use goods and technologies, terminate all types of military and military-technical cooperation with the Russian Federation, prohibit calls and maintenance of naval vessels of the Russian Federation at international seaports, landing and maintenance at the airports of the world of aircraft of the Russian Federation;

  4. to terminate cooperation with the Russian Federation in the space, aviation, high-tech spheres, in instrument making, including a ban on the transfer of software to the Russian Federation;

  5. to prohibit the Russian Federation from insuring air, sea, rail and road vehicles and passenger and freight traffic;

  6. to terminate all types of transport with the Russian Federation;

  7. to stop the import of Russian oil and gas by refusing to supply energy from the Russian Federation, or at least limit them as much as possible, terminate the Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline, and stop the construction of Rosatom nuclear power plants outside the Russian Federation;

  8. to suspend any political dialogue with the regime of Vladimir Putin until his unconditional agreement to cease hostilities in Ukraine, withdraw troops from Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders and return to the negotiating table;

  9. to apply the harshest personal sanctions to those around Vladimir Putin, the leadership and staff of all federal, regional and local authorities of the Russian Federation, as well as members of their families;

  10. to freeze assets, accounts, confiscate property, abolish the right to work, study and permanent residence outside the Russian Federation for all persons associated with representatives of the authorities of the Russian Federation and members of their families;

  11. to stop issuing visas to citizens of the Russian Federation, except for persons persecuted by this dictatorial regime.

Time for dialogue and unjustified hopes is over! The future of each of us, of every country in the world, depends on our solidarity, firmness and commitment to common values!


I’m happy with my post. I’m sorry you didn’t read or understand the short quote I cited that spelt out the advantages in actions against banks and accounts for you. If you want to hit Putin hard, that’s how to do it.

I can link a video explaining it in more detail if you’d like?

It will be interesting to me to watch what position Republicans land on this topic. There’s 100% no intellectual honesty from them, and they’ll pick whatever position they think they can pwn the libs on the most. It could backfire bad considering how much the USA has rallied together in the past in response to these kind of foreign incidents, but that may be my @SweetSummerChild showing.

That Panamanian-flagged ship was owned by a Japanese country. It’s almost like Putin wants WW3 after all.

from this guy:

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