Ukraine, Russia, and the West

Russia would be considered extreme capitalism without any laws or regulations if I’m not mistaken. Kind of what a lot of Republicans want the US to become because they are funded by wannabe oligarchs.


Oh please, its an oligopoly gas station mafia, not capitalist country.

Seems shook

I think it’s irrelevant if Cuba or Russia are communist or something else. They are without a doubt not free countries. That’s why regime change is a worthwhile goal.

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Not interested in jabs but agree this has derailed.

So not communist then.

WE GOT HIM!^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1497227706567700494|twgr^|twcon^s1_&


think north korea and iran and pretty much everyone else realized this years ago but this was the absolute confirmation of that

Let’s not forget Lukashenko either.

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Putin is trying to restore the old USSR.

Or maybe you think this Ukraine “skirmish” qualifies under capitalistic imperialism?

Territorially, yes, but Russia is not a communist country and he’s not trying to make it one.

Of course jal has to fuck up this thread by derailing it.

How large and well trained is the Chechen military? Are they 1 year service people or full time?

I have no idea.


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Yes it’s clearly imperialism. Dude, Russia ditched any last vestiges of a Communist outlook decades ago.

All that remains is a supremely powerful state, as per China.

God Putin is such a scumbag.

We often laugh about it but right wing Americans going to bat for this guy is so unforgivable. Absolutely awful, completely irredeemable people. And not just Trump and company. The Tucker Carlsons and Glenn Greenwalds of the world deserve the worst possible fate.