Ukraine, Russia, and the West

We didn’t want more naive useful idiot countries and tankies adopting communist manifestos into their constitutions.

Why not? What business is it of the US’s if another country say thousands of miles away wanted to take a shot at Marxism? Or even one next door?

The communist party is still in charge after 50 years. I don’t see how this can be considered a success.

See my post to danby above

You’re arguing that the US had no right to strive for regime change. I am arguing that sanctions don’t seem to be an efficient measure for regime change.

I am surprised and pleased by how much internal pushback is happening. Putin can’t kill people fast enough to squash the internal dissension.

Imagine if you will that the US doesn’t care about the Cuban people

And I’m arguing that they’ve achieved just that. wiki would have told you

incorporating new exchange and distribution systems that have been traditionally seen as “market” oriented. This has led to some speculation that Cuba may transition towards a model more similar to that of China and that of Vietnam

I don’t know if you’ve been to either of the countries cited but believe me they’re not remotely Communist.

State capitalist with entrepreneurialism but scant welfare state and no prevision for the poor, would be the best description I can do.

Putin asks for all countries to copy Russia on LGBT issues in exchange for not starting WWIII.

No matter what you call their system I don’t see how that contradicts my point that this change took decades and it’s not even clear that it was sanctions that caused it nor that there weren’t more efficient ways to get there.

Political change often does take decades. Sanctions aren’t designed to work overnight.

How long did it take international isolation to effect change in South Africa?

(Not by any means arguing in favour of the brutal embargo against Cuba btw.)


Use up the Irish


Which of the states in question have become more democratic and less authoritarian because of sanctions?

Because fuck communism. That’s why.

Every communist country has turned to shit and have been awful neighbours.

That’s rational. Thanks for your contribution.

I see the communist sympathizers aren’t having a good time explaining Russia’s actions right now.

But but but America bully!

Russia is Communist? looool

That’s right, I remember reading in Das Kapital how the final state of a Communist country would be a small number of people becoming billionaires by stealing from the poor.


Jal you’ve successfully gotten your jab in at americans and trolled this thread, let’s keep this nonsense elsewhere