Ukraine, Russia, and the West

Russia isn’t communist anymore. The US is plagued by internal turmoil. China is a powerful third party that didn’t exist before. Everything is dramatically different.


What do you think these sanctions were designed to do and how have they not worked?^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1497198089244975110|twgr^|twcon^s2_&

Which country?

Either one

In the simplest terms: Put pressure on the government to make their position untenable and facilitate regime change and if that doesn’t work weaken them enough to make them less of a threat.


What makes you think sanctions against Cuba didn’t achieve their objective?

In what sense was Cuba a threat to other countries?

Jal the goal in Cuba has long been regime change as supported by the sanctions, multiple assassination attempts and a god damn invasion ffs

See my reply to @anon12235340 a few posts up.

Since both of you have now asked me similar questions: what do you think their objective is?

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Wreck the economy; international isolation.

Which of those wasn’t achieved?

The primary goal was regime change. The threat from the US perspective was a communist regime with close ties to the Soviet Union right off their coast.

There’s a whole body of international law about combatant status. Legitimate resistance forces need some kind of organization and a uniform. If random civilians start lobbing homemade bombs at Russian tanks, it’s going to get a lot of people killed.

Maybe you’re not aware that the economy is no longer 100% state controlled under its new leader.

I disagree that this was the objective instead of a means to achieve an end.

Read several articles in Germany today and the ugly truth is that we have nothing to offer. Our forces in the Baltics complain that they dont have enough warm cloth. Its embarrassing. We are able to build pretty good tanks but we wont have enough on our own. And its questionable you will get much support by our population for that move. Another comment I read was that you dont need to worry about the Germans because as soon as sanctions hit your pockets they will cave in as we saw with the SWIFT-stuff. What is freedom worth to us? We should be happy we dont have to fight for it right now but we should be able to endure the cost. And the problem wouldnt even that big if the wealth was divided more evenly.

Regine change, as I stated, has already happened in a limited way.

I don’t get why you think decades of crushing embargos had no effect in this case.

If that is the only goal the easy game is to ask Putin what he wants in total and to then let him have it. That both avoids wwiii and limits loss of life.

So Vladimir what do you want? The world is your oyster.

I mean yeah regime change is obviously something they want but short of that the sanctions are successful in accomplishing what they were intended to. In the case of Cuba that’s been to prevent the success of any model that could be held up as a success against the US and serve to deter Latin American countries from any kind of self-determination when that strays from US interests. In Iran it’s completely marginalized their ability to form meaningful alliances in the region or develop economically as well. The number 1 goal is maintaining US hegemony with regime change or without.