Ukraine, Russia, and the West

This should read: Putin ready to accept Ukraine’s surrender.


The future of Ukraine depends on it, Russia’s goals are to assassinate Zelensky, install a pro Russia corrupt government, and enough actors that if anyone dares to oppose Russia they get arrested or killed. The way of life in Ukraine greatly depends on the survivial of Kyiv.

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Someone on Twitter mentioned that Cuba and Iran have been living under sanctions for decades. Why do we think that sanctions against Russia will be more successful?

I don’t really believe they will work, but Russia does have a lot of rich people that want to be able to interact freely with the West. There are no Cuban oligarchs with condos in Manhattan (as far as I know).

Sanctions won’t be enough to deter Putin. He has $600B in reserves. He planned to eat sanctions for years.

The only thing that stops tanks, planes and troops is stacking your borders with more tanks, planes and troops.

NATO countries need to be arming the fuck out of Poland right now. Whatever we sent Ukraine, multiply that 10 for baltic states.

Romania too.

Ukraine is lost and will be under Putin control for years to come.


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We will be entering another cold war for the foreseeable future.

15 years. Until Putin is dead.

Hate to break it to you but Kiev falls once it is surrounded and cut off.

UEFA moves CL final from St Petersburg to Paris.

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We have already been in a cold war for quite some time.

Captured soldier is lying. Fuck him.

I am talking about a no economic, total isolation type cold war like North vs South Korea where we just stack more and more weapons on borders.

I personally think Cold War references aren’t apt. Putin obvious lives in some imagined past glory days of Russian history, but the current and future conflict with Russia will be characterized as much by misinformation tactics on Facebook and cyber attacks as anything else. Framing this on terms of the 1980s is not going to yield useful solutions.


Doesn’t get any colder than that.

By summer 2022 it will be cold war part 2 in a literal sense.

From lack of cooperation, economic, military stand point.

I get it, but the terminology Cold War contains a lot of connotations for people that are not at all relevant here. That’s why I wouldn’t frame it that way.

One lesson that every country will take from this is to never ever under any circumstances give up your nuclear weapons and nuclear weapons are the only thing that will keep you from getting invaded. Welcome to a new age of nuclear proliferation.


Can we start calling them “Russkis” more?

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I am not sure how anything will be different than the 70s and 80s except now you throw social media into dumpster fire of the arena.