Ukraine, Russia, and the West

teddy kgb rounders scene

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If China starts supplying Russia with weapons, WW3 might come faster than expected.

Won’t be anything good I don’t think:

Winning the hearts and minds

from the replies

Passenger survived and was rescued

The flatbed was stolen by a saboteur

Saboteur was killed/captured by volunteers

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Re: bolded: I wouldn’t be surprised if he hasn’t thought through step 2. At least not in any realistic sense.

There has to be a giant chance this turns into a bloody protracted guerilla war situation.

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jesus suzzer how are you this naive

you sound like the shitlibs who thought Trump would resign every time evidence of him lying came out

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F1 cancels Grand Prix in Russia.

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Is it actually necessary that 2. ??? is anything more complicated than “Makes Putin feel like a Big Man and gives his Yes Men a chance to fawn over him”? Egomaniac totalitarian dictators aren’t always going to have carefully considered tactical and strategic reasons for violence. See, for example, the entire history of humanity.

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Could you imagine that there would be trucks in your neighbourhood with weapons and you arm yourself to defend your country with no training? And would you pick up a weapon.

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Right as if any of the shit he is doing now is based on a solid foundation lol

It took the US army about 4 days to conquer Bagdad? Do we really believe that the Kiew is easier and quicker to conquer?

Equity futures instantly jump 0.7%

One of the history teachers at my school is offering a free lecture on the context between the history of Ukraine and Russia (he is Ukrainian). Definitely wish I was fluent in Czech for that.

Anyway, here’s how the education is handling things here.

Letter from the Czech Ministry of Education about the situation in Ukraine (translated into English).

Honestly, I’m more concerned about the Russian students here. Every Russian I’ve come across in Prague is very anti-Putin. But Russophobia is very much a thing because of history. The support for Ukraine is huge but that comes with a lot of anti-Russian sentiment. My students are very good when it comes to this stuff but not everybody is them.


Right, that was exactly what I was trying to say. It’s probably sliiiightly more nuanced than that, but I wouldn’t be shocked if that were a major component either. Egomaniacs gonna egomaniac.

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Well, this is either a good-faith effort to end the war and Ukraine should engage or it’s a trap and they shouldn’t.

EDIT: Lol, apparently negotiations are to be held in Minsk. Isn’t it conventional to hold these things in neutral countries?

Putin is probably just demanding a formal apology from Biden for starting The War Of Ukrainian Aggression.


Americans definitely can

I don’t know how I feel about this stuff, or the Molotov cocktail business earlier ITT. Civilians should not be fighting.

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Same here. I had two students not come to school today. The email their mom sent said she feels this is as bad as Hitler sttacking Poland in 39 and condems it the same way, but her daughters would not feel well in school today.

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