Ukraine, Russia, and the West

World war 3 becomes a lot more likely if we try

I get the feeling Ukraine and Russia were never one big happy family like Putin believes.

if opportunity came, nato could respond in minutes. turns out war where one side has the nuclear threat is disgusting.

I hope your pony put some sunflower seeds in its pockets.


well that’s just desperation settling in

they should never forget holodomor, or crimea, or this.

Logical conclusion is WWIII is going to happen. Western citizens will not stand for refusing to give Ukrainians weapons to defend themselves, Russia declares this an act of war and invades a NATO country weapons are coming through…… it’s on.

The problem with Russia launching cyber attacks is containment. It’s not easy to just limit cyber attacks geographically. All of a sudden multiple countries in NATO are shouting article 5 because Russia attacked them.

Yes they will.

More importantly, it’s too late to send heavy weapons due to a lack of training and not easy to send infantry weapons due to the contested airspace.

The Russian army doesn’t seem very impressive or motivated to do that at the moment. Soldiers aren’t robots.

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They seem to be doing a lot of damage with stingers and SAMs. I hope they have plenty of those in reserve.

we have employees in kyiv. one wrote that they saw a bbc report, and in reality it’s much worse.


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I’m not convinced that avoiding ww3 at all costs should be the priority here.

So again - just thinking crazy. But what would Putin do if like the US, France, UK, Germany and Australia or whoever came into Ukraine with overwhelming air firepower and wiped out every Russian tank and jet that comes close?

It’s not an act of aggression if it’s on Ukrainian soil, defending Ukrainian sovereignty. What leg would Putin have to stand on? If he even tried to launch nukes after something like that - would the soldiers in the chain of command actually launch them? Is he really that crazy?

I know it sucks to think about. But if the answer is we have to just sit by and let Putin invade every non-NATO country, this could could much much uglier. If he wins this he’s only going to get bolder.

Again - just crazy late night thoughts. Obviously I have no idea what I’m talking about.

We risked WWIII once in the Cuban Missile Crisis. This is Biden’s Cuban Missile Crisis. I hope he does the right thing, whatever that is. I sure don’t know.


I’m not sure I believe this one…

That’s the big question, he insinuated he’d use nukes. Perhaps only in the Ukrainian theatre, but who knows what would happen?

Vitaly Klitschko vs Ivan Drago

12 rounds

Winner takes Ukraine