Ukraine, Russia, and the West

It’s not Biden’s Cuban missle crisis though. That was a threat to the US homeland. This isn’t. It’s not even a threat to the core European powers, yet, and that’s how they’re acting. Theyre writing some strong letters and lighting their buildings up in blue and yellow and that’s it. Ukraine is going to fall, no one’s really going to help them. Sometimes bad people win.


That’s what I thought too but now I am less convinced. I think Ukraine has a chance.

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If she wants to go to Western Europe, send her to The Hague imo.

Hoooo boy.

Ok then maybe it’s his Neville Chamberlain moment. Hopefully time doesn’t prove that right.

he was in the room when crimea happened. i think he doesn’t want that to happen again.

Are the Russian attacking troops all professional military or are there teens doing their military service, too? (I don’t think so, people are just clueless in Finnish forums and I’m trying to give them some facts)

I always thought Crimea was different because of the circumstances where Russia originally gifted it to Ukraine or whatever. But yeah, clearly Putin wasn’t satisfied with that.

Some of the separatists in the southeast are likely locals. Then, my understanding is that some of the Russian regulars are teenagers drafted in.

russians do 1 year of compulsory military service, although those going to college do their training in other ways. after serving, many stay in the army as contract service members. but the quality or morale of the troops is famously not great.

every video with captured troops today, soldiers in those seemed to be contracted.

I bet the audio of those guys on Snake Island saying GFY to the Russian war ship are massively rallying the Ukrainian troops right now.

We have no idea if they are fighting valiantly. Some are, maybe some aren’t. It will be weeks or more before we’ll have any solid idea.

Are any Bitcoin billionaires paying for mercenaries to be sent to Ukraine?

Russia now throwing out that Ukraine was likely trying to make WMDs. This all seems so familiar.

This from Russian ambassador in Tokyo taking media questions.

This would be a good time for a DAO.

They seem to be barely even trying with justifying this.

Does Ukraine have drones?