Ukraine, Russia, and the West

If it’s just one guy w/o a power structure, that seems vulnerable to a military coup or something.

No one has posted the Simpsons USSR clip recently, presumably because it’s no longer funny.

there’s no real succession. PM would assume the post and i think the duma has to set a new election. but the PM is hapless. he’d be taken out by at least a couple other people.

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Ugh, can we just stick to linking things, I’m not any kind of military doctrine nerd either but the kind of half baked hopium is ludicrous. Most of Ukraines ground forces are not near Kyiv. That the Russians are flying missions over Kyiv already means there is not much air defense that they’re worried about. They may lose a few planes and helicopters, but they’ll have air supremacy momently to support a massive invasion force from Belarus. The US assessment was the Russians would take the capital in 3 days. It’s been 3 hours.


Sanctions are weak across the board as every country has their own carve out on what not to touch. It’s stupid.

Belgium : no diamonds
Italy : no designer goods
Germany: no fuel
USA: (unrolls scroll)


i’m actually reading that largest troops concentration is actually around kyiv. but i have no reliable sources. NEXTA is just piecing this together from social media shared photo/video evidence

you’d be surprised how much this hurts the moscow elites


Except it doesn’t, because Italy isn’t doing it.

Pentagon says Russia launched 160 missiles overnight across UA.

Newest report seems to be that it was a missile shot down. We may never know.

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dude is just a mad scientist with math formulas on the whiteboard behind him.

seems to be an economic expert, discussing sanctions on TVRain (russian only opposition channel)

He’s also a pretty good chess player.

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Equity futures jumped .4% in last 15 or so minutes. They herp derping that the bombing subsiding means everything fine?

Just thinking out loud and emotionally here. But man the Ukrainians are fighting so valiantly. Is the whole world going to watch every last Ukrainian soldier die w/o doing anything more to help other than sanctions?

What is Russia going to do if every nuclear NATO country starts supplying missiles to Ukraine - nuke everyone? I assume weapons are at least being funnelled clandestinely to them somehow?


The opening monologue in Michael Clayton is the best summary of BigLaw ever. Pure scumbaggery