Ukraine, Russia, and the West

video with that guy was shared like 12 hours ago.

nexta is reporting VSU briefing confirmed a russian missile Kalibr was downed.

This is Reuters directly quoting a high-ranking Ukrainian official. I think the CNN dude blew the report.


that’s not where you want your precious air force to be if you expect a bombing

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Many different air defense systems can shoot down cruise missiles, the hard part is detecting them. Cruise missiles fly low to avoid radar. You need some luck for the missile to fly past your SAM launcher.

It’s if you’re trying to shoot down enemy planes.

it’s almost sunrise in Kharkiv. time for missiles is almost up. ground assault is about to be on.

Kherson appears to be a clear next target. if they control the entry to Dnepr for a week, it could force VSU into a bad situation

I sure hope the Russian troops on the ground are being bombarded with demoralizing propaganda. You know they don’t want to be there.

Usually with wars you have to gin up real hatred of the “other”. Russian troops know these people aren’t the other, there have been no terrorist attacks, no real threat, no fear motivation. Putin made them all read about how much he loves Ukraine and just wants to give it a big hug.

Putin really seems to be getting out over his skis to send troops to die with no pretense. He had to have thought it would be nearly over by now.

Who knows. Hopefully we’ve been moving the good defense stuff in there for months.

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after crimea, russian troops have to give up their phones during operations.

We need a Russian pilot to defect. But he knows Putin would find him and kill him.

“Former heavyweight champ, and Kyiv mayor, Vitaly Klitschko” is reporting on casualties from the explosion.

what a weird fucking universe



Right - I mean bombarded by bullhorns and giant speakers. Probably too fluid of a situation for that.

Russians are cowboy fans?


He was talking about grabbing a rifle, presumably for a Rambo/Rocky crossover movie.

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If Putin has to retreat I bet his days are numbered. You really have to wonder how much of the power structure in Russia wants this.

there’s hardly any power structure besides putin. maybe kadyrov.

Hypothetically, what would happen if Putin could be assassinated?

probably mass protests everywhere. overthrow of local police. fleeing government officials.

Well if Putin has a heart attack someone has to be in charge.

There’s the oligarchs and I assume some kind of sham supreme court and congress? Maybe they could all conspire on some trumped-up charge to arrest him. Seems like the only way that happens is if he loses this badly.