Ukraine, Russia, and the West

i’m going to take a break guys. no idea how people do online reporting every day. shit is seriously triggering and bad for mental health.


It appears Putin’s thugs can’t arrest the protesters fast enough.


:zap: Российская армия за первый день вторжения ориентировочно потеряла более 30 танков, до 130 боевых бронированных машин, 5 самолётов и 6 вертолётов, сообщил главнокомандующий ВСУ Залужный.

Russian side lost 30 tanks, 130 armored vehicles, 5 planes, and 6 helicopters.

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In my experience, the Chinese have much more in common with Americans than Russians. Most importantly, they don’t have nearly the tendency toward imperial ambition, hundreds of years of grievances against the west, and an unwillingness to go with the flow of reality. Now, there are huge challenges with China and its system (and Taiwan, the South China Sea, and North Korea), but most Chinese are happy to make a buck and they don’t care if the rest of the world ignores Xi Jinping thought about Chinese whatever. Also, China is much more integrated into the global economic system.

Point is, China is a more natural US ally than Russia and the US should work on good relations to the extent possible. Source: have worked with a variety of chinese clients over the past year.

VSU estimates russian casualties about 4x higher their own


reminder here’s the Kiev livestream

Thanks, I’m sure the news networks will have that feed live too.

So you’re saying that the likelihood of a coordinated Russia-China Tag-Team of Evil is slim-to-none?

here’s a decent english language documentary if anyone wishes to watch, while there’s a lull in news. it’s past curfew in ukraine.

Even if they “win” they’re still drawing live to another Afghanistan situation.

worth mentioning that russian language has no word for ‘quagmire’

No shame in taking a break. Everyone needs rest.


In a broad sense, yes, but I wouldn’t be surprised is China is lenient on Russia regarding sanctions and continues robust trade with Russia, blunting some of the force of sanctions, etc. I’m talking about my ass more than a little, but China can well recognize that its current and long term interests are not with Russia, and it’s not like China doesn’t have plenty of experience dealing with Russia, not always for the good.

Oceania and Eastasia are natural allies against Eurasia?


This could be really bad.

Is Chernobyl still active in some fashion? Thought everything was completely abandoned?

Chernobyl will be active for about 50000 years.


It’s a nuclear waste storage facility now. An attempt to contain it. It appears Russia damaged it and may have released a lot of radiation.

I believe Putin to a degree that he wants to take Ukraine, remove the government and replace it with a Russia friendly/ corrupt government. Ukraine has been Russia’s gateway to Europe and their natural gas, and the oligarch’s wealth was helped by corrupt Ukrainian governments. Zelensky has fought corruption in Ukraine and distanced the country from Russia and moved it much closer to the West. Ukraine is also rich in natural resources and its corruption is paramount to Putin.

Zelensky has named the fallen national heroes.