Ukraine, Russia, and the West

According to Wikipedia Ukraine’s army was 169000 in 2016. Total armed forces are 245000 plus 220000 reserves. If Russia wants to take the country with less than that then they must be quite confident in their air superiority and superior equiment.

one of the most colorful putin critics (@Stalingulag) is reporting on what tv propaganda is doing.

Включил телевизор, чтобы посмотреть, каким говном кормят наших дорогих соотечественников. Оказалось, что Соловьёв шипит о мире и «здравомыслии» на удивление кротким голосом. Нет былого кривляния, визгов и сквирта слюнями в камеру. Чёт приуныл. Видать, перспектива всю оставшуюся жизнь жрать вареную кукурузу на адлеровских пляжах и слушать истории Симоньян, как она на свиную голову ловит раков, которых потом тушит вместе с барабулькой, присыпав бараньими яйцами, не так будоражит пропагандистский дух, как вечера за бокалом вина на итальянском озере. Теперь, или как это с сегодняшнего дня стало принято говорить «в сложившейся ситуации», мудозвонить стало сложнее


I turned on the TV to see what kind of shit they feed our dear compatriots. It turned out that Solovyov hisses about peace and “sanity” in a surprisingly meek voice. There is no former antics, squeals and squirt with saliva into the camera. Chet is depressed. Apparently, the prospect of eating boiled corn on the Adler beaches and listening to Simonyan’s stories for the rest of her life, how she catches crayfish on a pig’s head, which she then stews with red mullet, sprinkled with lamb eggs, does not excite the propaganda spirit as much as evenings with a glass of wine on an Italian lake . Now, or as it has become customary to say “in the current situation” from today, it has become more difficult to make a mud call

Ukraine has 465K active and reserve troops. The 200K or so Russian and Belarussian troops aren’t overwhelming in and of themselves. It’s equipment superiority.

Ukraine doesn’t have to win decisively, they have to survive long enough for the weather to limit Russia’s ability to move tanks around, for sanctions to matter, and for foreign cyber assistance to kick in.

i’m just reposting shit from telegram. yw

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War would have been over by now if they actually rolled in all their forces. It hasn’t been 24 hours yet.

imagine being a VTB/Sberbank trader right now. just lighting money on fire trying to hold the RUB exchange rate under 100.

meh, it hit 100 after Crimea, I’d like to see 120+ before jacknicolsonface.gif, but it won’t with this weaksauce response so far

Trump lied 20 times a day for 4 years and 33% of our country is still licking his sack

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maybe intraday? two days ago when it hit 80 was reported as the record.

hmm dafuq, maybe I just imagined it because there was a meme with the exchange rate ticker things needing 3 digits. k 100 gogogo

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Maybe that was against the Euro?

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maybe putin did a ruble split? :joy:


Investigative journalists have done extensive work uncovering the hidden assets of oligarchs with the Panama/Pandora papers exposes. Follow the damn money, seize all assets of Putin and his immediate circle. Begin forfeiture proceedings on half the ocean front condos in South Florida & tRUmp Tower. Take their yachts and every other asset they’ve used to launder money and for good measure kick their kids out of the private schools they’re attending abroad.

Of course, they won’t do any of this.


Try this:


day 1 summary is Russian forces failed to secure any cities. they did make territorial gains in the east and out of crimea going for Mariupol and Kherson. but so far it looks like the blitzkrieg cost them potentially a hundred of armored vehicles and at least a handful of tanks. early estimates are that somewhere between 500-1000 russian troops were killed, wounded, or captured.

casualties on VSU side are so far totaling somewhere in 100, and a similar number of confirmed civilian casualties. looks like 13 ukrainian border soldiers were killed on Zmejnyj Island in the Black Sea. russian ship approached, demanded surrender, then shelled them.



Is there another source for this?

I hope some of that money goes towards a time-machine.

looks like a solid twitter aggregator

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