Ukraine, Russia, and the West

This thread is astonishingly better at providing updates than Twitter.


Khodorkovsky called it. russia is fighting like it’s WWII

OVD-Info is reporting 1705+ detained protesters across Russia by now

Russian fakes are claiming VSU is launching a counterassault on Luhansk. that would be dumb.

Maybe I am overestimating Putin but would he really invade if he didn’t consider victory to be inevitable?

Ukraine TV is reporting 400 casualties among invading force.

casualties or deaths?

casualty technically means unable to fight for example through injury

here’s what Grad looks like



Sean Penn is on the ground in Ukraine filming a documentary about Russia’s invasion, Vice Studios confirmed. The Oscar-winning actor appeared at a press briefing Thursday in the Ukraine capital of Kyiv listening to government officials speak about the crisis.

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My twitter is 90% bitching about the right-wing reaction to this. I can’t take it.

The Russians hoped to easily take an intact Ukraine. If that is not possible, they will withdraw, start leveling cities via the air and then try again. Rinse, repeat. That is what Putin/Assad did in Syria.

Know they already have some, but Ukrainians need to be given all the most sophisticated anti-aircraft missiles they could possibly desire ASAP.

My Twitter really wants to tell me about Ant-Man today.

In other news, I assume Vindman is mostly legit:

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I get that you guys are trying to be optimistic, but remember that russia alone had like 100k+ troops on the border, maybe what 5%?10%? were even involved today. Acting like Russia suffering casualties in the hundreds means that the invasion is failing or even just stalling is a little premature

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recap of videos from day 1 of war. FYI, when you see soldiers wearing white ribbons or pieces of cloth, that’s a russian soldier using an unofficial identification feature.

you can skip through the zelensky appearances.

I haven’t seen any analysis that says that Ukraine can win, unfortunately, only how much of a bloody nose they can give Russia

The (non)syncing of visual and sound in the video is extraordinarily confusing. The point where the rockets are launching in dead silence is weird as hell.

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by all early signs, russia’s 190k mobilized represented about 2/3 of its battle-ready forces for the assault, and the invasion was massive in an attempted blitzkrieg.

yeah i noticed it too. certainly something to consider when identifying if possible fakes.

Obviously the Russians have the manpower and weapons to crush the Ukraine, but early reports make it seem as if the Russian ground troops are not an elite fighting force.