Ukraine, Russia, and the West

he had tried to install a prorussian puppet president there, until prowest candidate literally crushed him in the election. a small part of moldova has a separatist movement too.

If the Russians have complete air superiority and wants to use it, you probably don’t. I guess at that point you just have to hope to buy time and that the NATO or somebody can establish a no fly zone or negotiate some ability to get supplies in.

(And even if you retreat to your Western border, if the Russians have complete air superiority and a willingness to use it, they can probably do a lot to disrupt land-based supply routes, so I’m not sure how much better that plan is)

Anyway, optimal strat depends on knowledge about troop deployment, logistics support, and infrastructure [where are the major power plants, food production and storage, water collection and treatment, crucial roads/bridges, etc.] that I don’t have, so :woman_shrugging:

Two protests in Prague, each estimated to have a couple thousand people at him. One at the Russian Embassy and the other at Wenceslas Square.

It’s not a Velvet Revolution but it’s nice to see. Beats the hell out of the mediocre covid protests that were a weekly thing beforehand.


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russian news is reporting a malfunction forced a russian su-25 pilot ejected. they also report taking out one ukrainian helicopter and 4 uav’s. it’s a bit weird because reports are that ukraine immobilized a lot more of russian ground troops.

Kinda fun to look back on some of the early posts ITT.


Are you prepared to have a thousand post long discussion about what constitutes an “invasion”?


russian news also admitted that mechanized troops en route to kiev were stopped by Ukraine forcces just 50 km into ukraine territory.

where does keeed go to get his apology?

does he go to the new moderation thread?


The article isn’t that long. You should just read it rather than relying on my paraphrasing.

Also, I am not defending Putin’s argument as being historically accurate, or accusing him of being sincere. But is is what he told the people he is sending to potentially die for the cause, for whatever that is worth.

Yes, and it’s just config and can be done instantly. You don’t have to disturb the physical cables.

Facebook had an all day outage a few months ago when they deleted their routes. You do that. Governments would order a few companies to make the change and Russia Internet would be an unreachable island.

You might get a chance to if you get conscripted as you wrote about.

Hope that doesn’t happen.

One reason why the Nazis fought so long in the end when the war was lost because they knew what they had done and couldnt expect any mercy. It might be similar for the Ukrainians. If you armed forces you think twice if you surrender to the Russians not knowing what they will do to you. And I wouldnt trust any offers anyway. One of the targets by the Ukrainian army might be to keep a way to the west open as long as possible.

I wonder if we will see robots in action in the coming weeks. Scrimmages for military tech.

According to this article in Jacobin, the support is far lower than in 2014, and they speculate that Putin may have problems with his “election” in 2024. Not an unbiased opinion, of course, but it is from within Russia.

Figure if it does there’s a good chance I end up in the U.K. although I’d prefer Germany or France so I can eat decent food

Jacobin is not a reliable source

Probably in response to video I saw of a jet crashing into a lake with the pilot successfully ejecting.

Do they have any say in it?

russian citizens in tel-aviv are burning their russian passports in front of the embassy