Ukraine, Russia, and the West

they will work much better if ukrainian defenses don’t buckle. so far, the social media posts are encouraging

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Yeah I agree, I’m not confident in the sanctions at all. But I thought he did a good job repeatedly saying we will defend every inch of NATO.

I’m from the Chamberlain school of foreign policy, but I think an effective sanction would be
NULL route all of Russia. Drop them from the routing tables. It would eliminate their external Internet.

Rich people and businesses have tons of Internet dependencies that are hard to unwind.
Again, to be clear, I don’t want to do it. I just think it would work.

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a part of hesitancy there is that you don’t want to cut off the anti-putin population within russia from the rest of the world

I think this is correct, imagine the atrocities that would be committed in a “dark” Ukraine. I mean, he many openly commit the atrocities live on webcam but still.

«Внимание! Энергодар — АЭС. Россияне поставили гаубицы и угрожают обстрелять атомную электростанцию. Это будет беда для всей Европы» — Депутат Верховной Рады Марьяна Безуглая

What constitutes historical Russia in this manifesto?

NBC News cites a senior defense source, the US will deploy 7,000 more troops to Germany in the coming days.

I said the other day we should put ~100K troops in Europe, this gets us to approximately 97K.

Could the globe cut Russia off from the internet entirely?

This ties into a massively undercommunicated part of the change to green (and NUKULAR) energy: it’s good for global security. Since the globe as a whole will be less reliant on autocratic dictatorships.


Great. The US can fight another war against an enemy on foreign soil.

They aren’t going into Ukraine, they’re being sent to bolster defensive positions in NATO countries. That’s the best way to deter Putin from attacking a NATO country.

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I like fighting my wars on foreign soil. Much prefer it in fact


I dont think the soldiers in Germany are gonna see much action in this one. If they do we have problems, but a lot of us wont be around to see it anyways.

Don’t be so dramatic.

Ukraine is the Sudetenland of World War 3. It’s the part he gets to take for free. Theoretically, invading a NATO member should be the line where America should get involved.


Mikhail Khodorkovsky

Путин воюет абсолютно в стиле второй мировой: «клинья», «охваты», десанты.

Если Украинское государство удержится в эту ночь, чего мы ему желаем, у агрессора начнутся проблемы уже завтра.

Иначе - чуть позже…


Putin is fighting absolutely in the style of World War II: “wedges”, “coverage”, landings.

If the Ukrainian state stays this night, which we wish it, the aggressor will have problems tomorrow.

Otherwise, a little later…