Ukraine, Russia, and the West

No idea how long it would take technically but there is zero political will to to this. Germany’s energy policy is a hopeless mess.


Tell me you’ve never played COD without telling me you’ve never played COD.

Did you see the part where first world countries aren’t on board with sanctions because it would limit the amount of Dolce & Gabbana handbags they could sell to those oligarchs?


Same shit on MSNBC. This invasion brotoyouby Cosentyx.

abramovich snagged a passport in portugal, and his case is now being reviewed, as the official was suspected in taking a bribe.

i’m seeing some videos on Telegram. looks like several russian vehicles were taken out in Sumi.

eta: including one tank


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Former German Chancellor Schröder is now the chairman of Rosneft. If anybody wants to understand German-Russian economic and political relationships they won’t have to dig any deeper than that.

Deutsche Bank, the world’s most corrupt bank, pulling the strings.

One thing that worries me is the Russian ability of IT attacks. I am either fooled by films or there is a lot of nasty stuff you could do without invading anyone but destabilizing any country.

Ukranian MP reports on his stream that a russian paratroopers group trying to take the Kiev airport was destroyed.


I suspect you’re right and that a lot of capability has been developed by those clever Russian hackers over the past few years that we are yet to experience.

My understanding of the situation is that Kiev is gonna fall in 24 hours.
Massive sanctions will ensue.
But Russia by next month will have the entire Ukraine under their grasp.

massive protest in support of Ukraine in Vilnuis.


Biden better restart that Keystone pipeline ASAP.
We need to isolate Russia energy wise 100%.

I like Garry and assume he understands a lot of complex things, but “how USA#1 works” does not appear to be one of those things.


in one tiny bit of news that does not make me feel ashamed for being russian right now, NEXTA is reporting at least 653 people have been arrested in russia protesting the military operations.



ukraine lost control of Chernobyl nuclear plant.

a battle for Sumi is underway, but the town is still holding

huh? he doesn’t expect them to do that, just wants them to