Ukraine, Russia, and the West

But also she is in Germany so I assume not regularly consuming propaganda from the Russian government.

Anyway I personally don’t feel you should leave @zarapochka it is really informative to hear a different perspective in this thread


Ugh, people, please don’t engage with the ‘oh ban me’ drama.


It looks like things ITT are going to be quite intense for the near future, and there will be a lot of mis- and dis-information associated with this situation as it develops.

I hope we can all be good to each other.


Seems great.

What about seizing all Russian owned assets (by the oligarchs/Putin)held in the West, and forbidding any Western bank from dealing with Russian banks or banks dealing with Russian banks?

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Most nuclear waste is pretty harmless unless you go and try and snort the dust off it.

i’ve engaged with her on this before. the propaganda is already firmly in her head (and mine). in that sense, one doesn’t need to be watching russian state tv to absorb it, the mind is replaying all the shit we’re brainwashed with in any situation that mentions russia/ukraine/nato/west. it’s a reflex at this point.

One sec, brb.

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The US put some crazy sanctions on Iran, can the West just not do that except even stricter and targeting specific individuals in Russia?

Zara is not the only person ITT who has grown up internalizing a specific view of history, geopolitics, and current events, and the piling on is getting pretty excessive IMO. Please tone it down.


Why destroy Chernobyl? I don’t get the military value of that.

I’d go a step further and forbid any russian multinational from doing any kind of business with the west.

They’re not destroying it, they’re fighting for control of the territory. It’s one of the ways you get to Kyiv quickly via Belarussian territory.

The gray line is national borders, so that is Belarus in the top left (and the rest is all Ukraine). It’s pretty clear by now that Belarus is acting as a full Russian ally. It’s been known for days that Russian troops were massing within Belarus.

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Twitter makes it sound like they’re trying to seize the waste disposal facility itself.

A lot of Europe relies on Russian oil. I think I saw last night that Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Finland get 100% of their oil from Russia. I think Germany is around half, give or take, but I’m tired and guessing on that one. So there are logistical hurdles to pulling off an embargo on Russian oil.

Russia and Ukraine combine for 25% of the world’s wheat supply and a lot gets exported to Africa and the Middle East. Do we tell poor countries they can’t buy food for their people anymore? So that’s complicated too.

I think the best way to do it is to specifically go after financial systems and Russian banks, but as harshly as possible. Perhaps set a drop dead date and if they haven’t pulled out by then, make the oligarchs persona non grata in the rest of the world forever?

Of course there would be knock-on effects from that, which corporate America and American billionaires wouldn’t like.

I mean I wouldn’t specifically call it Stalinism, but just plug in imperialism and it fits

It sounds like they’re trying to control the power plant there and accidentally destroyed a nuclear waste storage facility. Perhaps they want to turn the lights out and their cyber program isn’t as advanced as they’d like us to think.

Consider me shocked. His presidential campaigns were financed by Russia. Guess he’s confident that Russia won’t get through Poland and Slovakia

Star Wars “the force”