Ukraine, Russia, and the West

Don’t worry guys

A quick take on Tucker Carlson as Father Coughlin

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It’s going to continue spreading West too via Trumpism saying we should just join the baddies. The weird part is the Trumpist West loves Putin and hates China so not sure how that will work.

Noteworthy. Also this guy seems to be active-duty, so seems a little :eyes: for him to be ranting about policy.

Also he did it on LinkedIn, so he’s probably drowning in cold messages from recruiters now.


People are saying this (there’s a whole thread) is Russian equipment, so things don’t look like a complete walkover.


There’s another Twitter thread linked in this one that’s about the nuclear angle:

I agree unlikely but a tick up in probability of something that bad is significant. It doesn’t even have to be a direct result of Ukraine. Suppose Kim decides now is a good time to get frisky? Or maybe Xi thinks there’s limited appetite for world economy damaging sanctions so this is a prime opportunity to go get Taiwan. Hell of a time for Trump to be right about anything.


I see we’re still taking Putin at face value even after he launched missiles at Kyiv and Lviv.

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Nobody here wants war.


Stop it

I mean, I get it will never happen, but shouldn’t we go all-in on sanctions, let oil go to $150 a barrel and get the fuck going on moving to other energy sources?



Yes, put troops on the ground to DETER them from invading. But I have never called for US/NATO troops in Ukraine. Only in NATO countries to PREVENT this from turning into WW3.

Yes, we should support the people who are fighting to protect their freedom and democracy from Putin’s invasion with material support that THEY ARE ASKING FOR.

Same as above, defensively in NATO countries.

I don’t think anyone here is calling for nuking anyone.

Again, defensive measures to PREVENT an invasion.

Should I go through the thread about all of your completely wrong assertions about Putin not wanting war? He’s launching strikes even in major cities in WESTERN Ukraine.

Almost all of us here agree with this, in more ways than one.

Umm, ok depending on context.

This is almost entirely on Putin, the west does not want this war to happen, the people of Ukraine do not want this war to happen, and there’s been no war mongering from the west.

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zikzak thinks the first moments of the war are supposed to look like this:

Seeing Putin’s whole “USA is making me do it” propaganda resonate with you is crazy to me.


I think the key is that zara admittedly does not follow the news very much in normal times, and as a result seems to be unaware of the purpose/narrative surrounding NATO’s history, evolution, and behavior.

Honestly insane what people are doing to get videos to post on social media. Driving through an active tank battle??

Hope you’ll reconsider. Things are understandably heated right now.


I don’t want you permabanned for having a different opinion, even though it is IMO a very wrong opinion. I don’t think you’re posting in bad faith, I think you’re misinformed. I don’t think you’re a bad person or dislike you. While I don’t value your views on this, in other instances I do. So I don’t want you to leave, but IMO you should reflect on what others are saying ITT.

That said if you think this place is a net negative for you and you just wish to be gone in order to remove the temptation of being here, I support your request and if you PM me I will be happy to lobby the mods on your behalf if they are not honoring your request.

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