Ukraine, Russia, and the West

This is good for bitcoin.

Once the west sanctions the shit out of Russia, defi will step in and help Russia evade conventional sanctions!!!

Looks like we don’t have a choice.

If I was Poland right now I would line up every single road to poland with dynamite, artillery, infantry, anti tank rockets. Ready to blow up every road to ukraine if Russian tanks start rolling in.

Polish invasion would actually start world war 3 so I don’t think that is very likely to occur


I’m sure Zara will claim it was all a misunderstanding due to her poor English.

Principal gave announcement during class encouraging all of us to support our Ukrainian students and faculty members.

It’s a good sentiment since we have some of both, but I wonder how the Russian students in my school are gonna handle this. Bullying is pretty minimal here but it seems like an opportunity for it.


lol, this is like a scene from a parallel version of Don’t Look Up


My fucking god this is pathetic. Herpa derp sanctions will damage the countries issuing them but maybe could save a couple hundred thousand lives. Nah never mind just sanction some fucking bodega in Donetsk.



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Yeah like Putin may be Machiavellian but he is not suicidal and a big reason he has done this is that he judges, correctly, that he can get away with it. I am a little surprised he’s going this far this fast, because annexing a country the size of Ukraine seems like a lot to take on, but it’s not like the concept of an invasion of Ukraine comes as a shock at all. There has been escalating rhetoric about them being Russian territory for years, we’ve had Putin making little test nibbles on Georgia and Ukraine, seeing how the West reacts to smaller outrages, finally he can see that nobody cares enough about Ukraine to oppose him on the battlefield over it, then he goes for it. This is not some wild out of nowhere idea, he’s obviously been mulling this over for years. Russia has also been sanction-proofing its economy for some years, learning to produce essentials domestically so it doesn’t have to rely on imports.

Attacking a NATO country would openly invite World War 3. Like yeah I can’t prove to you that Putin isn’t just completely insane, because there’s no proof, but there’s just no reason to suppose that just because he does evil things. Cast your mind through history, completely sane people are capable of doing brutal and ruthless things. What I see so far is an opportunist who has spelled out for years that he felt that Ukraine wasn’t a real country, but bided his time and eventually struck when it seemed clear he could get away with it. If we start hearing the same rhetoric about, like, Estonia, then I’ll be as panicked as anyone, but to me worrying about like “will he just attack Estonia out of the blue with no warning” is like being like “what if he decides to just launch nukes at the USA and gamble that we won’t launch back”, I mean yeah if one of these nuclear states just does something fucking insane, we’re all going to die; that is, terrifyingly, continuously true for the last 70 odd years.


I agree with all this, but there’s also a very common pattern of power hungry people taking on increasingly larger risks until they get burned because they just can’t help themselves. While there’s no reason to assume Putin is “insane”, there’s also no reason to assume he is not prone to the same psychological behavior patterns as millions of other people all around us. It would be very natural for him, or anyone else, to follow up a successful invasion of Ukraine with the question “what’s next?”


This looks a lot more like the start of another Cold War between the US and China than it does ww3 to me.


What about yes, but it’s America’s fault ?

In what way? The US and China were already set to duke it out economically for the next several decades with China ascending the global Power Rankings and the US empire crumbling. What’s different now?

Russia going into Ukraine are the signs. Putin’s own words are, unfortunately, the signs.

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It’s the debut of the ‘access the global economy through China’ product they’ve been testing on NK for the last 70 years. Basically it’s a legitimate (and probably superior for many countries) alternative to the existing ‘global community’ which is really just the US empire.

The sanctions are going to be pretty close to totally ineffectual and it’s not an accident that this waited for the Olympics to be over.

Every country on earth that isn’t happy with their borders and isn’t in something like NATO is going to seriously consider it.

But wait… Ursula von der Leyen insists that challenging Russia with technology will bring its dastardly regime to heel.

The Intercept wasn’t sending us their best

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Why is anyone listening to Glenn fucking Greenwald, don’t even amplify that scumbag