Ukraine, Russia, and the West

Lol uh huh. You first dude.

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I’m assuming without clicking on their profile that they are 25 or under, so they can’t remember!

It’s a real shame that zikzak wasn’t awake to see the invasion with his own eyes. No way he believes it happened now.

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There may not be trustworthy sources of information. Feels like we have dueling Iraqi information ministers rn. MSNBC seemingly relying on TikTok.

Have you factored in the increase in likelihood of human error starting WW3?

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Good point - best not to get involved then.


Cowards reversing rather than engaging the invader.

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Apparently this is worth risking WW3 to prevent.

According to whom?

I think she has been a Republican asset since she campaigned. I think that would probably make her a Russian asset by some loose definition of “asset” since the right is basically captured by Russian propagandists.

One thing I don’t get about the talk of this triggering WW3 is what countries would back Russia if USA and the EU took military action against Russia’s aggression?

Exceedingly unlikely unless Russia presses past Ukraine. Currently zero signs of that though.

China has a staunch zero military involvement in foreign wars policy and dgaf about the RoW. It’s not getting involved in this unless someone attacks it, pretty much like the US in WW2.


I don’t understand why Russia would need the support of other countries. It’s a large nuclear power and no one doubts its capability of starting and possibly finishing WW3.

The hope is that this is just one little wanker shouting “my daddy’s bigger than yours” at the world.

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The reality of NATO is that it will do what Washington and the Berlin/Paris axis decide.