Ukraine, Russia, and the West

This is something like 300 miles west of Kyiv

there isn’t some dude standing there with a camera

they’re also driving in a tank they ain’t gonna stop and go is there a camera here

That town is (was?) on the Ukraine-controlled side of Donetsk.

Yes, It could also be real, and if it’s not it real it will be reality soon. I don’t think we are in disagreement there. I just don’t trust everything I see and hear on social media when facts are sketchy.

This is somewhat unrelated, but to my point about SM. There were twitter and reddit reports that Moldova was under airstrike a few hours ago. There were also reports they were just jittery and there was a bad thunderstorm. I’ve heard nothing since, but I’m going root for thunderstorm.

I’m realy not disagreing with you, i just don’t trust shit from SM at the start of these sort of events.

The source for the video is Ukraine and it appears to be a live feed.

It may be real, if not it likely will be reality soon.

Lol at may be real. It’s a fixed border camera, both CNN and MSNBC are broadcasting it.

Ok, then it’s real.

That’s here:

And that is not in the DPR or LPR oblasts.

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did not know ukraine stop signs were in english

but I looked it up they are wut

Not sure if it’s real, but most of Europe uses the stop sign:
Stop sign - Wikipedia.

It sounds the same in Ukrainian but the spelling in their letters looks more like CTON. But apparently they just use English on some street signs?

The Guardian live update reporting that there’s also a Russian ground incursion into Chernihiv.

That’s here:

Edit: Says unconfirmed, but cites the claims of Ukraine border guards

FWIW, wiki says STOP in Ukraine and Russia.

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I believe that’s the oblast that has the border camera we were discussing.

Edit: Worded that poorly\confrontationally.

A link would be helpful.

MSNBC has identified the camera as being in Senkivka, if you look at a map you’ll see it’s northeast of the city of Chernihiv, which should be in that oblast.

In the replies:

I knew it was inevitable but it happened so fast. Went to sleep when Ukraine was free and woke up to see it invaded

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