Ukraine, Russia, and the West

let me get this right

on night one they blew up a bunch of air stuff all over ukraine and you’re all “where’s the invasion?”


Not great, but been invoked a bunch in the last 20 years.

Add Estonia to this list.

It’s going to force NATO to convene and discuss defense strategy based on their declaration of a threat to their political freedom, borders, or national security.

More accurately, I’m saying the invasion is still largely not in Ukraine despite what we were told was happening. If you want to twist that into something else you can have arguments with, be my guest. It’s late and I’m going to bed.

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Right, the fact that they’re hitting targets near Lviv is at the very least creating the optionality to occupy the entire country.

I would not expect a full scale ground invasion until the air defense is taken out. On the other hand, they might just be hitting air defense targets near Lviv so they can’t use them to defend the eastern regions. I dunno, and probably only Putin and his inner circle does.

I assume at this point whatever navy ukraine had is already toast and maybe a chunk fo the airforce.

ukraine has some ground capability but ugh

saw a picture of the seaport that’s gone, bunch of airfields gone, etc

I mean I don’t know what zikzak wants outside of all the ground troops sent in–we’re definitely going to find ukrainan troops were killed in those blasts

Ukraine had already said at least 100 soldiers were killed.

This account is the Ukrainian border force, it’s verified. It alleges video of Russian troops crossing from Crimea. In a linked blog, they allege Russian troops have entered 4 provinces.

Yeah I’m a bit confused by zikzak’s posts. Like what we’ve seen so far is attacks on air capability across the country followed by the beginnings of ground incursions, which seems like exactly how I’d expect an invasion to begin.


I think you’re right about what we know for sure.

All we can confirm is air and missile strikes throughout Ukraine. There’s an obvious assumption on what follows, or is following, but facts are iffy right now.

Social media is amazing and shit at the same time in these situations…

Yeah I’d be surprised if they have any air force left that isn’t currently in the air.

Their navy is tiny, and likely either wiped out already or incapable of doing much in this conflict.

This feels like it is either going to be over in a few days with Russian tanks in Kyiv or more drawn out urban guerilla warfare that leaves the country destroyed.

Hey look more video on MSNBC of 15-20 more Russian tanks cruising the border into Senkivka. And now even more.

So as I watch video of dozens of Russian tanks crossing into northern Ukraine, on live TV, I should not believe my lying eyes?

I said this elsewhere already but the world would be much improved if we took everyone on Twitter who is not an actual employed journalist and begins tweets with “BREAKING:” and shot them into the goddamn sun. Usually what follows after “BREAKING” is just a rumour they read elsewhere on Twitter.


multiple reports I can’t confirm they have land troops near kharkiv

would make sense anyway

Hard to tell. Russia is lying constantly and doing it though SM. I’d assume uncontested crossings where we are watching a few dozen tanks cross the border without contest is BS.

That said, I don’t doubt it’s either happening or will happen soon contested or not.

there’s got to be tons of crossings they could use can’t defend all of them

Why let people film it?

It doesn’t mater in the end, we are debating whether it’s crisis mode land invasion RIGHT NOW or 8 hours from now and we are basing our opinions on iffy data. It’s bad and it’s what we all think it is.

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