Ukraine, Russia, and the West

If we name it the Earth League Of Nations then Musk may tweet it into existence.

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What odds do you want to give me on that?


some dude was all, “4 hours in, we are literally in the fog of war.” then he stammered over the idea of there being clarity to some things, others coming into focus lol etc just worthless nothingness

If Russia is doing the full scale invasion everybody has been talking about for the past several hours, they’re doing it awfully quietly.

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Latvia is invoking Article 4 of NATO, which means they’re officially declaring that their territorial integrity, political independence, and/or security is threatened. This should trigger a meeting/consultation of NATO.

They are attacking by land, sea and air and have conscripted the Belarusian army to invade as well. What more are you looking for?


Troops crossing from Belarus, which is nowhere near Donbas, ain’t quiet.

However, the Ukrainian military has denied the report of a landing in Odessa.

latvia was one of the few nato countries actually keeping up their end of the military spending deal

they clearly do not want to fuck around and find out


Footage? Confirmation? It’s been hours. The sun’s up. That CNN footage shows 3 tanks.

There’s supposed to be like major naval landings in Mariupol and Odessa, but nobody can snap a photo?

I am now seeing the Ukrainian army has denied the report of a landing in Odessa

Will Russia commit war crimes in Ukraine?
  • Yes. They will be caught and punished appropriately
  • Yes, but they will get away with it
  • No
  • Don’t know

0 voters

I’ve been worried for days about Putin coopting Belarusian troops and the implications that has for the Baltic States.

Belarus has a standing army of more than 60,000 troops and 340,000 reserves. Some percentage of those numbers may as well be added to the tally of Russian troops that are mobilized.

There are no naval landings so far, it appears that was Russian misinformation. There are missile strikes on Kyiv, explosions of some kind in Mariupol, and Russian and Belarussian troops invading to the north according to Ukraine’s defense ministry.

Air raid sirens going off in Lviv.

I don’t mean this flippantly: has there been a war without war crimes?


Putin made an ominous statement just earlier, too.

heard it on CNN before they went to a profit center break

Regarding nuclear war?

I find it difficult to believe that you can roll major land invasions into a country in 2022 and hours later nobody has pictures or video of it.

no. cryptic stuff, but threatening

Yeah what I saw was pretty clearly an indirect threat of nuking western allies if we intervene.