Ukraine, Russia, and the West

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Air raid sirens in Kyiv.

Yeah no good news on that. This is heartbreaking to watch.

The Russian woman who I played O8 with yesterday (who was a good tournament player but bad at O8 because she packed experience) claimed that sanctions against Russia were a bad idea because Ukrainians would suffer the most from them.

Ukraine has imposed marshal law, not surprising.

Metaculus up to 90% on Russians in Kyiv, presumably based on reports of some sort of airborne incursion in Kyiv airport.

Richard Engel on MSNBC just heard explosions in/near Mariupol.

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The report of an amphibious landing in Odessa, which is in western Ukraine and is their biggest seaport, apparently came from the Ukrainian Interior ministry.

I think Trump was actually too busy blackmailing Ukraine to put effort towards preventing a Russian invasion

This guy on CNN has one of the largest noses I’ve ever seen


The nose equivalent of the NFL network guy’s ears

Belarus is loose

Seems like what has happened so far has been very narrowly targeted.

Since we can’t kick Russia out of the UN security council, maybe we should make a new UN.

Is it too late for the US to finally join the League of Nations?

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who thought to put them in charge of worldwide peace

yeah we don’t make sense either but wtf


If I’m Poland I’m basically starting a crash nuclear weapons program tomorrow