Ukraine, Russia, and the West

You guys didn’t see the dude reporting with no protection, then, as soon as the missiles started landing, putting on (on live TV) the flak jacket that was conveniently sitting at his feet, all while Don Lemon made expressions of concern about his safety. Or the in between phase with the flak jacket on but the helmet unbuckled and cocked at a 30 degree angle.

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Right now I am seriously relating to the people who scour the internet until they find the thing they want to believe. I’m ready to believe any source that tells me this is going to be ok. I need a witch doctor.

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oh are you sure ?

Wow, Biden conferring with allies rather than rehashing the speech he gave this afternoon in anticipation of this invasion. Smdh.

I said don’t know. She thinks the Russians are an asset for her though.

It’s probably going to be ok here in the USA, as far as this goes. Stock market may crash, but covid is still a bigger threat to your personal safety than this.

I don’t give a fuck about covid. I’ve been going to the gym 4 days a week since I was vaccinated. If I die I die.

I do care about the people of Ukraine and Eastern Europe.


has Dolph weighed in on the crisis?

Congrats on finally getting the edit right comrade!

She’s probably just over thinking it.

The vast, vast majority of people in Ukraine and eastern Europe will also very likely be OK.

Except for anyone who publicly opposed Russia or protests the puppet govt.

Either quoting polls breaks stuff pretty good or Cyrillic is used for the markup language in discourse.

I mean he said it so it must be true. In related news look at this loser wearing a helmet! Probably faking it for the tiktoks!

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Traffic leaving Kyiv.

So I guess the best case scenario is Putin agrees to withdraw if Ukraine gives up the disputed territories and does a bunch of other stuff he wants, and he’s showing the world he could occupy the whole country any time he wants. Which means they pretty much have to obey whatever he wants.

Praying for that I guess. Unless Ukraine actually has a chance to hold out somehow, which seems impossible.

Seems fake! Hopefully no one is wearing helmets!