Ukraine, Russia, and the West

The guy with his helmet is back on reporting really loud explosions! Totally fake!

The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was one of the biggest empires of its time. I mean his Ukraine has no history argument is BS anyway but Poland seem to have a considerable history by comparison, surely even to Putin.

The bombs are real, the CNN correspondents are hams.

Sounds familiar


She is such a Russian asset

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Putting a helmet on while in an active war zone with actual shelling seems prudent, and I’m guessing you’ve never done anything close to as dangerous as what they’re doing now.


My instinct is that the best time to give a speech is evening in Moscow and eastern Europe because his words should be addressed more to them than to the American people. Early afternoon feels like a tad too late, but maybe they want to be able to brief on a full day’s action and talk to NATO allies before speaking.

Should Biden speak if the only thing of substance he can say is that sanctions are coming or should he wait until the details are hammered out? I’m not sure if he’s getting any sleep tonight.

No disagreement there in general but it sure seemed like your point was that this was all overblown. It’s a reporter in a war zone wearing a helmet which seems reasonable. Glad you agree this is a big deal.

I’m watching CNN and not getting any of the vibe being presented in this thread. Easy to be critical of people being in the middle of an invasion I guess

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What is the vibe presented in this thread and how is CNN different?

Sorry my post was ambiguous, I’m referring to the metacommentary on CNN reporters, not anything to do with the war

The vibe presented by the few people left posting here is that this isn’t that big of a deal. CNN thinks it is and their Kyiv reporter put a helmet on. What a ham!

Do you believe Tulsi Gabbard is a Russian asset?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Don’t know/not sure

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White House officials have announced that Weekend at Bernie’s corporate sock puppet President has been returned to Hangar B under care of the props custodian this evening and will be available to make a statement tomorrow afternoon.

Some of us don’t see the need to engage in WAAF doom posting at something that we all saw coming.

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I can’t be on twitter right now. I’m spiraling.

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I don’t really care about the distinction whether the russians are paying her or she actually believes it.