Ukraine, Russia, and the West

Horrible optics that tRUmp is live on air over his own state sponsored airwaves while Biden is who the fuck knows, battling sun downers or watching fucking Golden Girls.

Optics itt

Biden sucks, but Biden couldn’t have done anything to stop this and arguably shouldn’t do anything that might make this worse.


The most we’re going to do is tut-tut Putin and slap on some sanctions, I don’t think the timing of the tut-tuting is all that important.

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It’s not even about stopping this, it’s about stopping an eventual invasion of the Baltic States, for starters. Putin is mashing the aggressive buttons until the US and NATO put some fear in him.


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Ukraine UN ambassador has rightfully called the UN a joke organisation.

The ABC guy earlier asked about worst case scenarios. I’m thinking that as unlikely as it may be, these events are indistinguishable from the start of a world war.


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Don’t agree with this at all. Hard to imagine anyone actually sending troops to Ukraine.

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What’s funny is that Biden has been spending the last month running around shrieking that the Russians are about to invade Ukraine and doing things like deploying troops to Poland and the Baltics to underscore NATO’s red lines.

The US response doesn’t really matter, but it’s pretty much impossible to imagine a more on-the-ball response from the US.


Very true.

It’s not good, I agree.

A question to everyone. If Putin could get away with anything he wanted to do, when would enough be enough for him? Would there be enough? Would he stop after reconstructing the USSR?

I just don’t feel he is going to be even slightly satiated by this.

I made that exact point. But Putin himself has said he is ready to take back all of the USSR. Sanctions and early bedtimes aren’t going to cut it.

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You mean trump who mixed up who was landing troops in Ukraine?

Come on now

this, we’re not at world war yet cause the world appears to not give a shit about ukraine


Yeah I dont know what the red line is for the big western powers but it isn’t Ukraine.

Right just like nobody sent troops in the first naked power grab in the last world war.

Do you think Putin replaces the Ukrainian government and then goes into a hole not wishing any more territory? Or are we just get started. Putin is getting older. He wants to live his imprint on the world, at least that is my fear.

It does seem the US propaganda cut off Russia from running a false flag play to usher in the invasion.