Ukraine, Russia, and the West


Make a statement? Not something written by his lackeys. The meme about him never appearing after dark isn’t wrong.

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The UN is literally meeting as we speak. Biden is in bed.

Making this about Biden seems really dumb to me at first thought.


At least I know I am on the right side of this. Anyways carry on here. Everything is fine!

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shocked, shocked alex wice was completely wrong

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“Biden totally not up to the task here!”

“What should he be doing?”

“Making a statement!!”

I dunno. Seems weak.

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doesn’t look like any european country wants to help and without that we got nothing over there

You have a completely unfalsifiable position, but know you’re right? And you follow that up with an ‘everything is fine’, something that no one thinks?

Come on.

Marco is live chatting the war?

Biden is a weak, ineffective leader who is unlikely to live up to what this moment requires. He’s 79 years old, the country is not behind him, and he has no chance at unifying us. Part is a product of our political climate, but part is on him too.


Just stop talking, 30 year old dude doing armchair geopolitics. Once the Russians decided to do this, this is how it was going to go down every time and this has been clear for a decade, and nobody in the US was stopping it.


It’s 8:11pm on the west coast in the US and Biden is nowhere to be seen while a literal land war breaks out in Europe. And you and the other stooges are here stooging. This isn’t Biden’s fault but this is fucking very bad optics. Can’t even get on camera for 2 minutes and denounce it. What president would not be making a statement at some point tonight?


So what happens? Putin installs a puppet and then withdraws when the power structures are in place - basically just repeating the formation of the USSR?

Right. POTUS should be speaking, like, 15 minutes ago. A very short, direct speech, but a TV appearance none the less.


All the expletives for trump and ingraham actually being broadcast to anyone atm.

Probably this, but the Russian army will never leave. Puppet state.

Just a joke, albeit in questionable taste. I support the policy.

Does anyone have a good brand of popcorn they recommend?

It’s not Biden’s fault, but it’s a super key moment in world history and he’s arguably the second worst president in my life for the moment.