Ukraine, Russia, and the West

Then fight forever.

I wonder what this guy is thinking right now. He doesn’t have the protections Putin has.

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Probably “They are going to have a big parade for me when I get back to Moscow!”

Imo the atrocities also cause another problem. What kind of deal can you even accept anymore? Could you accept a peace where Russia moves its troops back across the border and the old borders count?
Could you just lift the sanctions and let it go unpunished? Crimea should be in play but Russias consitution doesnt allow to give territory away. You also dont want to punish the people of Russia like Imperial Germany got punished in Versailles because that might cause longterm trouble in its own. Maybe reparations and some kind of 1y fatigue duty to help rebuild the destroyed cities.

Anyone here still scared to send planes / MIGs after what they see in Bucha and Russian retreat?

I was told I needed to sign up for the foreign legion in Ukraine because I said we were being weak as hell to withhold sending Ukraine some MIGs.

Pre feb 24 borders and nothing else.

If I got more military support from the west I would go after donbas and crimea.

He is going to receive a medal of honor and a parade back in Russia.

Russian’s overwhelmingly support this war and genocide.

Anything less than a full embargo is too soft.

Russia taking Odessa seems pretty implausible. They’re working hard just to hold onto Kherson.

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: The TSLA Market / Economy (previously STONKS)

Makes sense to give them some now, as they’ve just cut off their primary supply of T-72 tanks by forcing Russia to retreat.



RAI op-ed he references: (fucking frightening)

Basic google translate of the same:

Russia has discovered Nazism is ubiquitous within Ukraine. It is a Nazi state, run by and for Nazis. Russia needs to purify and denazify Ukraine over at least a generation; destroy its nationhood and eradicate its cultural identity. The entire population needs to be re-educated in subservience to Russia. Those who resist need to be dealt with summarily. The entire political class needs to be liquidated, as do all those who have taken up arms.


So I’m reading Borderland: A Journey Through the History of Ukraine. It’s not a great book, a mix of travelogue and history of Ukraine, and it was written in the 2000’s, but what caught my eye was this page

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Ukraine thus became to Russians what Ireland and Scotland were to the English – not an imperial possession, like Canada or India, but part of the irreducible centre, home. Hence Lenin’s (probably apocryphal) remark that ‘to lose Ukraine would be to lose our head’, and the dream of romantic nationalists such as Solzhenitsyn that Russia, Ukraine and Belarus will one day be reunited.

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Second, Russians regarded – and still regard – Ukrainians as really just a subspecies of Russian in the first place. Any differences that did demonstrably exist between them were the artificial work of perfidious, Popish Poles – replaced in today’s Russian imagination by the meddling West in general. Rather than attacking Ukrainians and Ukrainian-ness as inferior, therefore, Russians deny their existence. Ukrainians are a ‘non-historical nation’, the Ukrainian language a joke dialect, Ukraine itself an ‘Atlantis – a legend dreamed up by Kiev intellectuals’ in the words of a parliamentary deputy from Donetsk.

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But for all his devotion to Kipling and the World Service, for all his long years spent debating samizdat in smoky kitchens, Yuri was appalled both by the West – ‘The Americans, they’re robots, they never read, all they do is barbecue!’ – and by Ukrainian nationalism – ‘It’s not renaissance, it’s Nazification!


I find it very difficult to put myself in a Russian mindset with regards to WW2 and its aftermath. The enormity of the barbarity visited upon them is beyond my comprehension; bound to leave an indelible impression for generations. Ukrainian nationalism is bound to that brutality too, with Bandera and his Nazi alliance being at once hero and villain.

Add to that 70 years of repression and The One True History of the Great Patriotic War being hammered into everyone’s skull since birth and I guess it’s almost trivial to transform oneself at will into perpetual victim and villainise those who oppose you as that great terror rising from the dead.

I know I instinctively mistrusted Germans until I went on exchange and finally met one.

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the soviets used ww2 outcome and new history as a great patriotic special operation. The myth is at its core a coverup of their own 1930s atrocities and insane army casualties that came from incompetence and disregard for human life.

my own family history goes that head of house/husband/father goes missing, and the family wouldn’t be even able to talk about it, as he may be on some list of executed anti-communists. the war was a big reset and so many had died, it was necessary to continue chanting victory and continue to block some of it out.



Ze and a gaggle of reporters also visited Bucha in the article

Like North and South Korea.

Yeah it doesn’t seem likely right now. But when they redeploy everyone that was fighting in the North and Northeast, they’ll have a lot more manpower and weaponry.

And when they train up the 150k new conscripts they just got, they’ll have a lot more cannon fodder to storm the beaches.