Ukraine, Russia, and the West

Basically the same thing Russia has tried to do to Ukraine multiple times throughout history.

I guess there could have been a minesweeper also walking in front of the camera person.

Obviously it was western libs dressed up as Ukrainians disguised as Russians


You joke, but western libs are no angels I tell you.

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No one seems to have any clue if the Ukrainians have a chance of retaking Kherson, Melitopol and re-uniting Mariupol. Everything is focused on the Donbas instead. So is it just assumed the Russians will give those up at some point?

I mean what’s the point of fighting so hard to not give up the line of pre-Feb 24th in the Donbas, if you lose half your Southern coast and 3 large cites?

I’m not sure. I haven’t seen anyone give any numbers

i have heard this from actual russians in moscow. privately but it’s something. it’s not all militaristic they deserved it

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War crimes committed by Russians in the south of Ukraine

So get there firstest with the mostest still applies.

The focus is on Donbas because that’s where the Russians are going to attack next. Ukraine is not going to recapture anything if their army gets encircled or destroyed or if they get pushed back to the Dnieper.

A lot of the Russian fighting, equipment losses and casualty reports around Kyiv referenced the VDV (soviet airborne forces) which according to Wikipedia

Having them at the front lines made sense when the initial plan was to quickly capture Hostomel airport but once that failed they had to be outmatched by the Ukrainian forces. Whatever heavy equipment they had still needed to be light enough to be airlifted. Russian tanks weigh 40+ tons each. I couldn’t find any information that they even had tanks, only infantry fighting vehicles.

Does anyone have an explanation why the Russians use what amounts to light infantry the way they do? Obviously I am hoping for something that goes beyond LOL Russia.

it’s a bit pointless to rehash what russians did in february, because they didn’t follow their own “doctrine”. VDV is pretty large, most soldiers are actual combat troops, ie not support/mechanics/drivers, and supposedly elite. in anecdotal parlance, they get relied on for crazy missions A LOT. so, in theory the commanding officers should have said “no”, but either they didn’t on their own volition, or they got railroaded and forced to accept the mission and losses.

Also remember that there were like 3 actual air assaults around Kyiv, where it makes sense to use air mobile soldiers. Plus what VoS said: the mystique for VDV is similar to the US Marines. They were always going to get the most important/glorious assignment. In the Gulf War, the US Marines were assigned to take Kuwait City in a frontal assault.

Ukrainians need more tanks, vehicles and planes to retake those large cities.

It’s really up to the West if Ukraine wins back all their territory.

Fuck the West if they decide that they won’t help Ukraine take it all back so that Russia retains a little bit of gains as a face-saving exit ramp