Ukraine, Russia, and the West

I doubt they would publicize it.

I mean the Russian army can’t maintain their equipment/vehicles or communicate over logistics, I doubt they’ll be able to figure out whether a given soldier was killed, went MIA, or defected and sold a tank. I wouldn’t return to Russia and try to deposit the money though… But take it in Bitcoin, go somewhere and get your family out, then move the money around? Seems safe enough.

Obviously way riskier at higher ranks.

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Back when all movie trailers were narrated by the same guy, by law.

I’ve probably watched that half a dozen times, though it’s been a while. It seems ridiculous now.

According to that wiki article, the Soviets got the MiG-25 back, in boxes, with a few key parts missing. It turned out that although the plane was fast, it wasn’t all that impressive otherwise.

Man, even by Russian standards it would take incredible balls to go back to Russia after defecting and ask for another tank.


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Some lighter news.


Subs are pretty expensive.

and here we’ve been trying to poison leaders the old fashioned way, turns out all we need to do is get it on a website as an alternative therapy for stuff first

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hahahahahaha invade the country your equipment is made in, brilliant no wonder you didn’t think past a week on the invasion


I wonder why Ukraine didn’t just lie back and accept it to reduce casualties? Seems like they know Russia a lot better than Western think tanks.


Millions of dollars make people do things that don’t seem to make sense, because having someone give you millions of dollars always seems to make sense.

They thought they were going to win immediately, which presumably means they would inherit the productive capabilities.


I heard one guy who surrendered an APC got $10k. He won’t be going back, his picture is on Twitter.

NBC has a source saying Putin and Ze will meet soon in Turkey with “high probability”. That doesn’t make much sense unless it’s to end the war.

Hope Zelensky and his team are taking every precaution against poisoning.

Maybe Zelenskyy will be a badass suicide bomber.

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This is incredibly good news, and yes, I mean that it’s hard to believe. Far be it from me to not want an end to the war, but I didn’t think we’d get to this point before the sides went toe to toe in the Donbas to see if Putin would seize it or not. So, I’m not sure if this is an elaborate ruse, a plot against Zelenskyy, or maybe Putin is finally getting some real intelligence about how things are going, and he doesn’t like his chances in the Donbas?

Not going to post the pictures but in the south the Ukrainians are finding the families of village heads/ mayor’s executed; shot in the head with their hands tied behind their back.

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